How to grow your blog to make a living with it (from scratch)

In this blog post I focused on how to start a blog. In this one on how to get more visitors. The one you’re reading now will be about how to grow your blog depending on where you’re at! So choose the section that coincides with your blog’s level of monthly visitors. 90% of the examples I use are examples that you can use without paying any money for it. They are things you can leverage with your current blog or with “shared media” that doesn’t require to pay to play.

I want to grow my blog from 0 visitors to 500 a month

So I guess you just started out or have quite a bit of content yet but almost no visitors yet. You’re in the most shitty situation. You spent a lot of time building your blog / website but have nothing to show for it yet visitors wise. I have news for you. By now I’ve typed just under 40,000 words. Created about 5 or 6 in depth articles and have 0 visitors. Zero. None. But that was actually my plan. So I’m happy.  I don’t expect any visitors because no one knows about this particular website. It’s part of my challenge.

belangrijke link

So I’m in the exact same boat as you. Once I launch this website (it’s live, it’s already being indexed by Google, but no one knows I made this site) I want to grow my visitors very quickly. In the 180 days after I launched this site I want to have reached 180k visitors in total.

If you’re just starting out, don’t expect to rank in Google. At all. The web is so crowded that it will take a while before you get any numbers worth talking about from Google’s organic search. You can however immediately start getting visitors from Google’s Paid Search Ads. But I don’t want to spend money on my blog. I want to make money with it.

So, what to do, what to do. If you followed my earlier guide how to start a blog, you should’ve reached a total word count that exceeds 10k. If you haven’t created a blog with posts that account for more than 10k words, go do that first. Once you’re finished, read on. If you don’t know how, just follow my guide. It should give you plenty of options.

I think the most important part anyone who starts with something new is to know your audience and to create a loyal following. I have hundreds of websites and they all have different audiences. This blog has a different audience again. On my travel blog I focus on 18 to 32 year olds who don’t have kids and who want to see the world. On this blog I’m gonna focus on people starting ad the age of 16 up all the way till 50. Below 16 you should still be in school and you’re probably not thinking about your distant future. Beyond 50 you’re most likely not looking for new ways to make money. The best part of your career is over and you should be well on your way to become financially independent if not you should already BE financially independent.

This is my list of traits I focus on on this blog audience wise

  • 18 – 50 years old
  • English first (or second) language
  • Above average interest in finance, the web or entrepreneurship
  • Higher educated (College and above)

Now the problem at this point is… I’m just guessing. I’m making assumptions. Once you start getting visitors and they subscribe to your email list(s) you should ask them what age they are. Where they live. Etc. That way you can actually change your outcome based on facts and data.

I want to make 3 persona’s from my assumptive data. 3 types of totally different persons who could be interested in my blog. Based on those 3 persona’s I’m going to write all my stories and blogs. Only after I have enough data will I look and see if I need to change my writing style, channels used, stories, etc.

Persona 1: Steve Mercer (I always write a story about my personas). Steve is 22 years old. He just graduated from college with a Bachelor in Business Administration. He’s interested in economics, how the world works and he loves to play American Football in his home town Atlantic City, New Jersey (US). He’s looking for his first job in finance.

Persona 2: Mary-Ann Locke. Mary-Ann is a 39 year old housewife and married to John. The kids are in their mid teens and are becoming easier to handle. She can spend more and more time on things she enjoys. She wants to start a business of her own, but she hasn’t got a clue what yet. So she’s actively looking for some help and guidance in that field. She lives in the Greater London area (UK)

Persona 3: Pete Bannerman. Pete is 36 years old. He has 2 young children below the age of 5 and has a wife. They’re both entrepreneurs. Pete is a freelance consultant. His wife is interior designer. They want to optimize their income and maybe start a little hustle on the side. Pete and his family live in Santa Cruz, California (US).

I now know who I’m writing for. I can get in their heads and think what their want and needs are. What their current frustrations are. What their motivations are. Based on all that information I can make even more specific personas. I made one example so you know how to do it yourself.

Especially the motivations and frustrations will help you a lot. Make sure to do this for YOUR niche. For what you blog is about. For the audience you think (know) you want to target.


Now that you know  what motivates and frustrates Steve, you can write about it. If you’ve already done so, great. We can move on to the next part. The actual getting more visitors part.

Add an email signature with your blog

If you’re starting from scratch your have to use the stuff you already do to grow an audience. Do you have a personal email address? Of course you do! Create an email signature with your blog url and why people should read it. Or add your last post to it.

Post your blog on Facebook

Ask your friends and family what they think of your new blog. What did they enjoy reading? What do they want to read more about? The people closest to you can give you great feedback on how to improve. They’re also very accommodating when it comes to sharing and liking your content. Make use of that!

Every time you post a new blog you should also mention it on Facebook. Not just the same time. There are 2 ways to do this… One is the automated way. I don’t really like that version. Install revive old post if you want to automate things.

Every blog you create gets shared to the account you connect.

You can change the settings based on how frequently you post. If you post multiple times a day it might be wise to change some settings. I post once a day at most, so for me the settings don’t really matter.

For this to work a bit better, you need to keep in mind to add a featured image to every blog post you put live. (And before you press the publish button)

If you don’t add an image to a blog, you’ll just have a silly little piece of text which is shared to Facebook or other social accounts. This is not a good example because it’s a link to Google Drive. You can’t really add pictures to it. But at least you can see what happens if you don’t a featured image to your blog. You get a lame icon at best in stead of an image that can really stand out in the feed.

Facebook (and other Social media) have changed their algorithms so external content doesn’t rise to the top so much. They give two reasons for it. One: people don’t interact with stuff outside Facebook a lot. These are usually “ads” packed in some form of a blog post. The second reason is because Social Media want to keep their audience on their platform. So you want get a lot of eyeballs on your content this way. Especially because you’re not thinking about how to post on what social channel. You just post 1 message to all platforms saying: here’s my message. Enjoy.

So my strategy is usually strategy number 2: Think of a way to connect to your audience. Your audience on Facebook is a lot different than your Audience on LinkedIn or on Twitter. People want to read different things. Their interests differ. That doesn’t mean you should write 3 different blog posts because you intend to share it on 3 different social channels. No, it just means you should make a specific message for a specific channel.

Create visuals you can post on your Instagram or Pinterest board with They have a great set of free visuals. You can choose ready made templates that take little work to customize. Try em out! You’ll increase the number of eyeballs you can reach dramatically.

Use the leverage of existing groups / platforms to amplify your content

People love great stories everywhere they go. A great story while also learning something is even better. So why not share your stories and knowledge on groups that are already interest in your niche.

Have you ever heard of Reddit? Reddit is basically a huge forum on all subject matters. Really absolutely anything can be found on Reddit. Some things are NSFW (Not Suitable For Work) others are funny, serious, work related, hobbies. Anything. So that means your niche is being talked about too. Take advantage of that. But wait, don’t jump in just yet. Reddit has a set of very specific instructions. If you want to survive on Reddit. Read this first…

Reddits playbook

Going on Reddit and just talking about yourself and your own blog posts is the quickest way to get you banned. I got banned even without doing that.

You should only start talking about your own blog once you reach a few hundred Karma. Karma is Reddit’s audience telling you you’re doing a good job. You’re funny. You brought a great topic or news item to light. You were helpful in the discussion. Stuff like that.

Search on Reddit for you niche(s). Subscribe to the channels that are closest to your niche. You can see the amount of followers has (before joining). Don’t join channels which only have a few hundred to a few thousand subscribers unless it’s really spot on. Meaning: I chose niche A because niche B was too small.  But wait, niche B is actually a Reddit Channel. Than you’re allowed to join that channel 😉

Every channel has one or moderators. Get to know them. Read their posts and comments. Now have a look at the overall channel. What’s the vibe like? What are people talking about? What topics can you add value to? Remember: don’t mention your blog/business yet. Don’t make it about yourself. Make it about the OP (Original Poster) and the community. How can you add value to Reddit.

Start adding value. Don’t think about your own business until you reach at least 100 karma points. I got banned for 6 months when I had about 400 karma points. That’s (btw) still nothing in Reddit terms. There are plenty of people who have over 50k points. I asked a question which I knew the answer to 😛 Let me explain…

A couple of years back I was founder of a company which in short did stuff with plumbers and electricians. You could book appointments through our website with them. I asked a question like: If you hire a plumber, what do you think is most important? People started answering the question. It was a pretty popular topic. Until the answer: I’d like to book one now came… So I was sitting on the edge of my seat and I couldn’t keep my fingers from shutting down. So that’s when I answered: well we can help you with that. Click here. (Or something similar, but you get the point). The moderators thought my topic was so lame because I started it to get more business / made a trap where people fell into. I GOT BANNED. Bye bye… After about 6 months I sent the moderators a message. Telling them that I learned my lesson and that I won’t do it again… I got allowed back in the channel.

You can get banned from a channel but you can also get banned from Reddit as a whole. If you’re too spammy the moderators will just feed you to the sharks and you’ll lose your account for good. I was lucky because I made a mistake a few months before I got banned. I thought that was it…

It’s been a year or more since I last posted anything on Reddit. So I have to start from scratch again too. I just made a few comments and offered my advice on some topics to get back in the Reddit game. I have to divide my precious time to reach my goals I put forth in my challenge. I first want 100k words written on my blog in 30 days. That means writing 3333 words every day or I won’t make it. That’s lot of work. So I need all my time to make sure I make it to 100k words in 30 days. But I also said that I wanted to have reached 100k visitors 180 days after the website has been live / announced. That part is probably the hardest part. So I need to warm up my profile on other channels too. Just relying on my own strength and this blog will be a waste of time. I’ll get to 1000 visitors after 180 days probably.

I haven’t talked about myself on Reddit now. I’ve just offered help. I want to gain another 200 – 500 karma points before I start posting things about this blog.

Channels to follow on Reddit if you want to learn new stuff about running  and to get inspiration for your own business

Here’s a motivator for you:

Don’t talk. Act. Don’t say. Show. Don’t promise. Prove.


If you quit now, you’ll end up right where you started. And when you first began you were desperate to be where you are now. Don’t quit. Keep going!

It’s hard to build an empire. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Just follow my lead and you can do this.

How to get visitors from Reddit to your site (being careful)

Once you reach a few hundred Karma on Reddit you can start to think about how you could maybe get a few visitors to your own website. I would still be very very careful here… 🙂 Find the right channel to do this. Be humble. You could do one of several things.

Strategy 1. Tell them about how you started your own business and that you could use some help to…. Tell people you just started out and if people could give you some advice. That’s not enough though. You need to tell people what you already done to get to this point. Why you started this business. Don’t be a lame lazy ass sun of a… Don’t just ask: HELP! Give people a story first. How did you start this business? WHY? Where are you stuck now? How can people help you?

Strategy 2. This only works if you put insane amounts of value in your post on Reddit. It should in no way or form look like self promotion. Most Reddit channels are very clear on this. But you can take it as a general rule of thumb. The primary reason you’re posting something is to add value to the community. The link to your website / asset should follow be just something extra if people are really interested.

With Strategy 2 it works best to tell a case study. Something you did and how it worked. What were your assumptions. What did you get out of the experiment? What can people learn? What would you do different? The 5 take aways. If you have your Reddit post ready, don’t post it yet. Leave a comment on this blog with your Reddit name and I’ll contact you. You can send me the post you prepared.

Even if you’ve created insane amounts of value on Reddit, you still don’t want to end with: subscribe to my email list. Visit my website to buy course X.

Leverage Facebook groups

I’m in a couple of Facebook groups that are strongly related to my interest. I learn new things in Facebook groups about Facebook advertising for instance. I’m sure there are Facebook groups out there that are in your niche which you can join. Facebook groups are a lot easier than Reddit. You usually have 1 owner who’s also the moderator. They’re a lot less harsh than the Reddit Moderators. You also don’t want to SPAM the group with self promotion, you courses and what not. It’s easier to supply the people in the group with value. You don’t have to deliver insane amounts of value before you have the chance of not getting banned. You can be a little bit more egocentric about it. Just a little.

Same goes here though… Comment first. Build trust first. Only then should you by creating your own (self promoting) posts. You can join groups that have clearly been created for commercial intent by the creator… Or that has a clear commercial intent. But you’ll have less luck there. Choose groups that are clearly not for profit. Only to share knowledge. Show them folks your knowledge and earn your seat as a trusted source in your niche. This will be the best route to take to grow your blog too. Do join groups with over 1,000 members. As a business owner you always should be thinking of where to spend your time on. Do you want to spend your time on a channel that could bring you one thousand eyeballs or one hundred?

These tips should get you on track to get to 500 visitors a month from scratch.

Create your first asset for linkbuilding and list building

If you don’t have any traffic yet, setting up email marketing is useless. No traffic means no subscribers. You’re better off putting your time in creating assets that will 1) improve the chance of getting links 2) once you do get traction and traffic it’s easier to have people subscribe to your list.

What’s an asset?

Could be as simple as a bonus tip you only give to people who subscribe to your list. A bonus tips you include in your content. Once I’m done with all me content. Meaning: I did my 100k words of writing, I’m going to check all my articles and see what bonus tips I can throw in “for free”. And what tips I can give when people signup to a newsletter funnel.

Could be an ebook or a white paper. A special case study. Anything that people are interested in and can motivate them to subscribe to your list or to link to you. If you have an asset behind an email subscribe you’ll get less links. If you have an asset on your website you’ll get more links but less subscribers.

I’m focussing on assets on the site itself first. I have no visitors. I have no links. I need traffic and links before I need people on my email list. Once the 100k words have been created that should be plenty for this blog to have enough substance for people to get value from it, start linking to it and for it to become “rankable”.

Thus creating the need for assets that people will like enough to subscribe for. I’m gonna call my email list my VIP list. Why? Would YOU rather signup to a newsletter or to a VIP list? That is an asset in itself. But a VIP list that doesn’t give you VIP status is an empty shell. So I need to add a bit of extra weight to it.

What does every entrepreneur that starts have a lot of? Time! No money. But lots of time. So every month I’m going to give away 1 hour of consultant for free to 3 subscribers. I’m also going to be real personal to the people who subscribe. They should feel like a VIP. Like I’m there for every single one of them. I’m going to personally help them succeed.

There’s also another reason I’m giving away free consulting time. I need to build case studies about people I helped and what it did to their business. Because one of the things I want to sell is my time. I love helping out other online businesses. I’ve been doing it for the past 10+ years and I still enjoy doing it.

The second thing I’m going to be selling is my courses. How to grow your blog. How to grow your email list. How to do conversion optimization to grow your business. For people to buy courses, they want to see what the courses did for other people. With the consulting I’ll be helping other people based on the courses I’ll offer. So I’ll be catching 2 birds with 1 stone.

Install Analytics Software

Before you can even see how many visitors you get, you need something that tells you 🙂 The most popular website analytics software is Google Analytics. Easy to setup on WordPress. Register for an account at Google. Add your web property. You’ll get a unique number.

Install the plugin below. Cleanest plugin to use. Click, click done!

I want to grow my blog from 500 visitors to 1000 a month

OK, so you started to get some traction. Your first organic visitors are dripping in. You’ve been posting your articles on Facebook and made some visual versions for Instagram and Pinterest maybe? On thing’s for sure though: you are ready for MOREEEE. More traffic. NOW. OK good. Read on!

You can’t influence Google’s algorithm. You don’t know what Facebook will change next. Those are all things out of your control. For your online business / blog to grow, you need to do stuff you can influence. And you need to do the stuff that should move the needle in growing your audience.

These 3 things are most important to grow your audience

  • Increase the value you give by creating interesting content / introducing new products / etc.
  • Reach out to people who might be interested in what you have to say
  • Look at what works. Rinse and repeat

When you start your own blog or online business, there’s a lot you can do but only a few things that move the needle. Now that you’ve reached a few visitors per month, you need to check where those visitors came from. The only thing you should be doing is to look at what worked and how you can 2x – 10x that.

Plan your growth

Starting a business is hard. You have a lot of uncertainty, not a lot of money, you don’t know where to start, etc. So you need a guideline. Something that you know if you follow will grow your business. It’s called a plan. 😛 I can’t tell you what to do. I don’t know how much time you have to spend on your business. What I do know is that if you keep at it, you will see result. But what’s keeping at it?

  1. Post an interested article every day.
  2. Share it through all the well known social channels (with a channel twist added)
  3. Build a list of possible websites who might feature you / where you’re able to get a guest post
  4. Check your data. What articles were most popular, where did the visitors come from.
  5. Rinse and repeat the most successful channels and stories

I don’t know in what kind of business you are. I don’t know if your audience enjoys written content, visual content or video’s. Neither do you when you first start out. Don’t assume anything. Assumption is the mother of all f*ckups. You need to test all the most popular social channels. Only after trying for 1 – 2 months day in day out can you see with a bit of certainty what channels work best for you.

Once you know… Start to shift your focus to the channels where you see  most traction. In the 500 – 1000 visitors a month it’s important to keep experimenting. But, I hear you asking, there’s so much… What could I try?

The basics are this: native content always give you more eyeballs. You’ll get 25% to 1000% more eyeballs on your posts if you post them in the native form that the social platform offers.

What you can do on LinkedIn to get traction for your blog

On LinkedIn you can write LinkedIn Articles with their publishing suite. Articles written on LinkedIn get a lot more views than if you just link out to your blog post. Try to create engagement through native articles and offer additional value on your own blog. So you need to plan a little what you’ll tell in a LinkedIn Article version what you’ll offer on your own website.

Could be as simple as a … continue reading link. A content upgrade. List 5 key takeaways in the LinkedIn Article and mention the rest of the top X on your blog. Giveaway something on your blog.

The common denominator on all social platforms, everywhere really, also in real life is: tell a compelling story. Don’t advertising your crap. Don’t tell people you have a new post, new product, new whatever. Tell people what impact you made. Always keep in mind to give value to your audience. Always keep in mind that they’re thinking “WIIFM” (Whats In It For Me) a few seconds after they start reading and a few seconds before they click the “continue reading” link. If you don’t give them a reason and only SPAM people with your crap, you won’t get a lot of eyeballs.

LinkedIn, as any other social networks wants as much engagement on their platform. The longer you stay on, the more ads they can show you, the more money they can make. So you have to work with that.

What I usually do on LinkedIn is do a 3 step strategy. I post a compelling story and ask people to comment. I usually get 10,000+ views on my post in the LinkedIn Feed. Next I’ll go in depth on that post with an article. I’ll inform the people who responded to my earlier post about it. That immediately creates more interaction with my article. More interaction means more eyeballs. In the article I’ll link out to my post on my site.

Try and experiment what works for you. This is the post I made on LinkedIn announcing my challenge. (I’m behind schedule btw :P) 17k views, 100 likes, 72 comments. Pretty good!

What you can do on Facebook to get more traction

Facebook live is probably the most compelling thing on Facebook right now. Never heard of it? It’s the Live video streaming service. You just click start recording and your feed is being pushed out there. People love the fact that they can have a look in you world. Uncensored, uncut. Raw. It gives people the feeling that they really know you. Almost as being friends. If you do regular Live events people will see you as part of their life.

I must admit I have never don’t Facebook Live. But a part of this Blog is showing you how stuff is done. So I’m definitely will do some Live shows on Facebook.

The things that I’ve seen that work best is when you announce your Live show. Tell people what you’ll be talking about and ask them to have some questions ready. I’m first gonna build a following before doing Facebook live. I’m going to start a private Facebook group once this blog gains some traction. Once the group has 1k users I’ll start my first Live shows.

I’ll go more into Facebook Live in the “Grow my blog from 5k to 10k” section.

If you haven’t already started your own Facebook Fan Page, you should. That’s a small step towards continuously reaching more people. Do keep in mind though that your Page’s reach is tiny compared to your own (personal) reach on FB. And by tiny I mean: if you have 1k friends vs 1k followers for your page, you’ll get a lot more eyeballs on the things you post privately. The basic reason is that Facebook has seen that people just don’t engage as much with Page’s as they do with people. It’s also a great way to make money for them. Brands want to keep communicating to their followers and now they have to pay (more) to do it. I have a couple of Facebook Pages (on with over 10k followers) and if I have an interesting post I always boost it a bit with some cash. It costs me less then 3 dollars to 20x the reach on it. Not a lot of money to get so much more exposure. That’s also the one concern I have and a warning for you: once you start your page you have to keep giving you followers engaging stories and you should be willing to spend a few bucks.

That’s why I also mention the Facebook Group. The reach in Groups is so much higher vs Pages while for small business owners and blog owners it is an excellent tool to reach your audience and to create a loyal following.

Fill up your calendar with things that move the traffic needle

I write 2000 words each day minimum. (I have a bit of time right now). I post an article every day. Posting == needle moving. I know for every post I create I will get more traffic. The value people get from my site will grow.

You need to fill up your calendar with stuff that moves the needle. You don’t have the time? Of course you do. You just choose not to spend it on things that move your business needle. You need to make choices to get your business running. You need to spend time on your business EVERY SINGLE DAY. A business, even an online business or a blog or whatever, is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes a lot of hard work. Day in, day out.

Use your research time to create an outreach list

When I’m creating a new article I’m also checking out what others are doing and what they’re not. How I can differentiate myself from the crowd. When I do research I check the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). I check what titles I see for my search query. I check the date the article was published. I try to determine if 1) there’s a gap I can fill 2) a guest post opportunity. I make lists of urls in a Spreadsheet and I bookmark pages.

Once I click through I look at how many shares this article received. How in depth it is. How many words it contains. What kind of examples they use. I try to make a judgement wether everything has been said about this topic or that there’s still room for me.

If I see a really outdated article I’ll add the website to my outreach list. A 3 year old article about social media marketing might as well have been written in the 1900’s. That’s how quick things change these days.

Encourage your audience to share your content through social media

With the 500 visitors a month you can make a start to let your readers do some work for you. Everyone has share buttons on their website. Not everyone has in-content share buttons. Most shares happen because people want to show off. Look at me. I’m smart. I found something great. Hey, look at this insight I got. So besides adding the social sharing buttons that show up above, below and besides your articles, make sure you also have in-content share buttons.

You can use something as simple as Click to Tweet to increase your social sharing rate.

Asking people to share things from your blog will increase your share ratio by 20% - 30%. Click To Tweet

You’re making it easier to share a great insight. You’re making it easier for people to look good.

Use a Pinterest plugin to encourage sharing if you have a very visual niche

The plugin will show a Pinterest logo on your images automatically. You don’t need to do anything else besides installing the plugin and activating it.

How to get your first guest blog opportunity

As of this writing I’m still at 0 visitors. (Blog isn’t launched yet :)) But I already wrote about 44,000 words. For a 5 year old blog that’s nothing. FOr a blog that started 2 weeks ago thats quite an accomplishment (I only care about, my visitors don’t btw). Writing content is pretty easy for me. So I should be able to get a guest post opportunity somewhere, right? Well, not without the right preparation.

I’ve been building this blog for 2 weeks now. Not long. But I’ve already compiled a list of about 100 websites where they have similar content to mine, outdated content, accepting guest posts, etc. etc.

But if you have no name, no traffic, no “DA” (domain authority), it will be pretty difficult to get a guest post opportunity somewhere. I do however have one asset that I think some blogs will be interested in. Time & knowledge.

There are a lot of websites out there that focus on building a business. Growing a business. Self improvement. Stuff like that. They want something special for their audience. So I’ll be giving away my time to their readers. To THEIR readers?? YES! I don’t have any yet 😉 So I need to give stuff away for free so I can build a name and get traction with SEO.

You can do the same thing. If you just started with your business, there’s one thing you should still have plenty off… Time. If you also have a bit more knowledge than average about something… You can offer that to websites that are in a similar niche or niche which is closely related and give away your time and give advice to the readers from those websites.

You should be actively building  relationships

Linkbuilding, if done the right way, is done purely on a basis of relationships. You don’t want to build low quality blog comments, directory links, etc. Make a list of a 100 websites in your niche that you think you could one day get a link from. Follow their editors. Start commenting on their blogs. Retweet their Tweets. Become a real follower.

If you are a bit more visible on their platform you could try this: create a prequel or a sequel to the blog post they just created. Create it as soon as you see an interesting blog on their site. Something which is relevant, you can add to. Be positive about their post. Link to their post in your blog. MENTION it on their comments as soon as you’re finished. Timing is everything here. People read the first 5 comments but they don’t read the last comment. So you have the chance to get more visitors and to be seen by the blogs editor(s).

I want to grow my blog from 1000 visitors to 2000 a month

Ok, so your needle is starting to move in the right direction? Great! you’ve reached about a 1000 visitors a month now? Or at least you should when you follow all the tips I mentioned above for 1 – 3 months. Let’s see where you’re at now.

It starts to become important to track your output and what it does with your needle. Are your rankings going up? What traffic channels are performing well for you? You should be seeing clear differences between different channels. It’s now a good time to start to increase your efforts on the channels that work and decrease your efforts on the channels that don’t move the needle.

Setup rank tracking if you haven’t done that yet

I use Wincher. Few bucks a month. You get instant results when you enter your keywords. So within minutes you know where you’re ranking in the most popular search engines. This is how my rank tracking is going with a website that’s not officially live yet 😛 Hahaha. 100+ on everything I’m tracking (just how it should be)

You should have at least 50 – 100 keywords you’re tracking. I’ve only been at this website for 15 days (just creating content and doing nothing else so far). You probably already took several months to get to a point where you receive 1000+ visitors a month.

If you see any keywords that are ranking top 10 but not top 3 just yet, those should be your targets for linkbuilding. With a few links you should be able to get those url’s in the top 3. Besides doing the linkbuilding, check how you can improve your search snippet.

Besides rank tracking, make sure you activate search console for your domain

Google Search Console gives you a lot of great insights on how your website is performing. If you want to enable search console for you domain you need to at least be able to verify it through one of many ways. Either through the fact that you use Google Analytics, with an html-file you ftp to your server. With a meta tag you add to you <head> of your html. The most sophisticated way is by adding a txt record to your dns settings. Doesn’t really matter how you do it.

Once you enabled Search Console for your domain you normally have to wait a day or two for Google to grab all your data and show it. I always find the most interesting tab to be the Performance tab.

You can click through on keywords or pages. See for what keywords a certain page ranks for. How high the CTR is. Did you see how much of a difference rank 1 vs rank 4.3 makes? 60 percentage points difference. But don’t be fooled. If there are a lot of ads on a page, rank 1 will have a significantly lower CTR. If there’s a #0 (Answer Box) result CTR overall will be a lot lower. There are lots of factors that play a role in CTR in search. So when you see some numbers that don’t add up. Do the search yourself (in an Incognito window) and see what the SERP looks like. The way the SERP is structured should tell you a lot about what CTR you can expect.

Optimize your SERP snippet to gain CTR and RANKINGS

If your CTR is lower then you’d expect you should look at your SERP snippet. Is it as enticing to click on as the rest of the results? Can you improve your snippet so the CTR rises? If you can (and you should continually test this by the way) your rankings could also increase. Google looks at the relative CTR your result receives. If it’s lower than you’d expect for the ranking, you could drop in ranking. If it’s higher than expected your could see your rankings increase. Tweak your Title. Tweak your description tag. Make it relevant (again). Update your titles to show that you just updated your content for August 2019. Or [New tips added]. Anything that can entice more people to click on it.

Check for crawl errors

If Google’s spider has trouble accessing your website that could potentially hurt your rankings. So if you enable Search Console you’ll also gain insights into what problems your website might have that are hindering Google. Check the AMP tab if you have the AMP plugin enabled to see if there are any errors. Some theme’s or some plugins can break AMP which hurts your mobile rankings in Google.

If you see any errors you should also see the errors in your AMP plugin on WordPress. The quickest way to get rid of these errors is to install a different theme and/or remove plugins. Check the errors and see if you can figure out where they come from.


Find more relevant keywords to make more content

Do you know I love that site. Type in a keyword that’s related to your niche and find out what people are looking for surrounding that keyword.

You should go at it for at least 50 (broad) keywords and see what comes up. This is a goldmine for getting new ideas to write content about. The broader (head type) keywords give you more alternatives vs the more long tail (longer) keywords. So start with single word keywords and increase along the way.

You get prepositions like the image above. But also comparison based queries. And a whole list of hundreds of keywords you can use.

3 years ago I would’ve told you to build a page for every query. These days my advice would be is to bundle as much related keywords as you can into one page.

3 – 5 years ago if you typed shoe vs shoes in Google you’d get different results. That’s strange of course because what’s the difference between the two? Google could already tell the difference between Hilton Paris and Paris Hilton related search queries but they weren’t as smart to show the difference between shoe and shoes related queries. These days they are. And longer form content is preferred above 500 word pages which focus solely on one keyword and are primarily created to rank in Google. They’ve cracked down on that a lot. So I don’t create a new page if I don’t think I can write at least 1000 words of content for it. Preferably more than 2000+ words.  This blog post is at about 7000 words right now and far from finished. I’ll probably reach over 10,000 words before I’m done.

Another important factor to rank higher is website structuring. I make really big articles about broad themes and generalize a bit more in those. From those pages I link out to and create new more niche pages about things I talked about in the big/broad page. The niche page will have at least 2000 words. The big “mother” page will have at least 6000 words. If peoples’ queries are more broad Google will show them the “mother” page. If they are more niche, more long tail, Google should show the other (smaller and more detailed) page.

I’m organically creating my “site structure”. I start working on one article and it grows and grows. I then see that I’m not being in depth enough about a topic so I add it to the site structure so I know I need to create a new post for that topic and be more in depth.

I can write a big article on linkbuilding (which is above 5000 words right now but still needs to grow to more than 6000 words). And create child pages where I go in depth on a few topics I discussed in the mother page for example. A detailed guide on how to build links with guest posting for example will be one of my child posts.

Double down on your email list and don’t forget to email great content

When you reach 1000 visitors a month you should also start to see some real traction with your email list. If you optimize your forms, your content upgrades, have the right email magnet assets, you could get a 1% – 10% conversion to email subscribers. That’s anywhere from 10 to 100 per month.

I use Sumo as a WordPress plugin to increase the number of subscribers on this blog. You can use their Welcome Mat, a floating bar, an inline form, etc. etc. The problem for me with my other websites isn’t the part where I fill my list with subscribers. It’s with emailing them interested content.

So for this blog I’m going to create great resources that I can email before I start collecting large number of subscribers. I don’t want to fall in the same pit I fell a few times before 🙂 Having a lot of subscribers who don’t have any interaction with my blog, who quickly unsubscribe because I fail to engage them and give them value from their (free) subscription.

I’m going to make 2 resources. 2 ebooks. The first will be about how to start an online business. The second one will be about growing it. My best tips will be in those ebooks. I will both use them as a subscribe magnet and as a way to increase loyalty and trust in me and my emails.

Don’t email your audience for every little thing you do.Only when you’ve published a great resource that’s of interest to your list, email them. The better you split your list in relevant groups, the more relevant your emails can stay. So make sure you post relevant content at least once a month. If you email your audience less than once a month, you can might as well quit email marketing.

Create drip campaigns

Whats a drip campaign I hear you ask? It’s an email campaign where you create 3 – 10 emails and put them in a sequence. It’s a way to build trust and to keep your readers engaged. You could make a course and add it to a drip campaign. Send an email every day for 10 days in a row. People who open them all are your most loyal followers and are also most interested in what you have to say. You might be able to “upgrade” those readers into a paying course or subscription. That’s also what I’m going to do with my lists. My courses should be a logical upsell to my list subscribers.

A drip campaigns is also easier than sending emails with new content to your subscribers because it’s automated. You just create the emails once and keep sending them to new subscribers over and over again. It’s an asset. It saves you time. It creates a loop of visitors to your website and it should increase your total visitors per month.

If you’re in a visual niche this is how you can grow your Instagram followers

Wether you’re in Food or Travel or Apparel, you’re in a very visual niche. The better looking your website and pictures on your Instagram the more people will follow you and the more you’ll be able to grow your blog.

There’s still a universal truth which you also have to use for food or travel blogs. Tell stories. You can post the most amazing pictures. But if you don’t have a story that resonates, you won’t get a a lot of followers.

There’s a big difference between showing people where you visited and what your story of the visit was. So before you make a dish or decide on your new travel destination, create the story first.

This is what you do when  you have like 3 followers on Instagram and already posted 20 pictures

  • Follow other people (hopefully they’ll follow you back)
  • Comment on other peoples pictures
  • Use popular # hashtags when you post pictures
  • Rinse and repeat

If you don’t gain any followers with this tactic, I’m sorry to say this but, you’re Instagram profile sucks, your pictures are hideous and you can’t make a connection with your audience.

I want to grow my blog from 2000 visitors to 5000 a month

You’ve got some great traction already. You might be able to live off your website or you’re breaking even right now. With these tips you’re gonna make a profit for sure.

Be specific to your audience

Thats not a really specific header is it? What I mean by that is if you tell your audience exactly what they can expect you’ll get more engagement. Let me give you an example. For what newsletter would you rather signup to:

  • Signup for our newsletter and increase your traffic
  • Signup for our newsletter and increase your traffic by 20% in 21 days

I’m guessing the second one. You know what you’re getting. The risk for you is lower because you can make a little calculation in your head: is 20% gain in 21 days worth something to me? Do I want to go through the trouble of subscribing to a newsletter if I have this to gain? While on the other hand when I don’t say anything about how much growth you’re gonna get, your mind will play even more tricks on you. That leads to more indecisiveness which leads to less signups for me.

Every blog post / email / social post should contain these 4 items:

  • Something to feed your audience’ ego
  • A paragraph that connects to your readers life
  • Empower your reader
  • A CTA (in first person)
Every blog post / email / social post should contain these 4 items: 1) Something to feed your audience' ego. 2) A paragraph that connects to your readers life. 3) Something that empowers your reader 3) a CTA (in first person) Click To Tweet

Don’t spray and pray

You should have dozens of high quality blog posts now. Outreach should be a daily activity for you. When you’re doing outreach, never send bulk emails to ask people to link back to you. It does not work. There have been quite a few studies of spray and pray vs targeted outreach. Targeted outreach outperforms spray and pray 100:1.

For every 100 targeted emails you send out, you should get between 5% – 10% of links placed. For every 10,000 emails you send out to random websites you’ll be lucky if you get 8 links placed in stead of 500 to 1000 links placed for targeted outreach. That can be the difference between receiving 0 visitors a month and receiving thousands ands thousands.

Replicate your competitors links

If you can’t beat them, join them (in their strategy). They might have a 10,000 Dollar a month firm building links for them you could replicate for a fraction of the cost.

You do need some tools for this to make it easy for yourself. But I’ll show the free route first. This will take a bit more time though.

If you search for “competitor name + news” or -site:urlfromyourcompetitor + brand name competitor you should be able to find quite a bit of mentions. Those might not even be links. But you’ll see where they popup and what websites are interested in writing about your competitor. If they’re interested in them, big chance they’re also interested in you.

Change the period that Google will search for different strategies.


Put it on the past week to past month to see if you can add you name to the article as another resource. It’s still fresh. You might have a different view on things. You might have something to add to the post.

Use a custom range in the past few years to check for broken links or lack of links. Go back 2 to 5 years and see if you can find any articles that have broken links on them (preferably to your competitors’ website) so you can reach out to the website and tell them they have a broken link to a resource you happen to have a great alternative for.

If they’re not linking out to you competitor you could use that to contact them. Have a resource they can link to ready.


Use Cialdini’s persuasion tactics to improve engagement, subscriber growth, etc.

95% of the decisions people make are unconscious. They’re based on what we see, hear, smell. How we feel. You can use that 95% to your advantage, if you know how to influence human behaviour.

There are 7 ways you can influence behaviour, through:

  • Social proof
  • Scarcity
  • Loss aversion
  • Sympathy
  • Authority
  • Consistency and commitment
  • Reciprocity

How to influence with Social proof

Show how many people liked your page. How many clients you’ve helped. How big your email list is. How high your ratings are.

Scarcity is an interesting tool to use to influence people

More and more bloggers / people who have courses use this technique than ever before. “Signup to my waiting list”. My course opens in 10 days and counting down… Signup now…

It makes the course more valuable. It shouts: I’m busy right now with my current students. Come back when I have time. But you’re not coming back. You’re subscribing to the waiting list than and there. Why? Because you don’t want to miss out. This must be a good course. It’s sold out now. But almost all these courses are automated to start in 10 days. In the 10 days before you can join the course, you are educated. You are actually the product. The owner of the website checks if you have the right pedigree. The right stamina. If you keep reading their messages. They warm you up to what you’ll be buying later on. They show you what results you’ll get when you buy the course. it’s a great way to create more engagement.

Loss aversion is a simple technique of giving something and (quickly) grabbing it back again

Have you ever seen this message on a website?

You just qualified for 15% off your next order. This offer expires in 09 minutes and 12 seconds.

You were just browsing a long. Maybe putting some stuff in your basket when all of a sudden this message popped up. Wow. I qualified for a discount! Great! but wait, I only have 9 minutes before this offer’s gone? I need to wrap up this browsing and start buying. Where’s my credit card?

My brain is worried that I’ll lose the discount. The website is using my “lizards brain” against me. I’m in danger. I’m going to lose something valuable. I have to defend that. If I buy quickly enough I’ll be able to keep a hold of it.

Sympathetic brands get more sales

How many times have you bought something because a friend of relative spoke highly of an other brand? You bought something because they were enthusiastic about a brand. Sympathetic brands receive more word of mouth mentions, are talked about more and subsequently have more sales.

Don’t take this lightly. Being a sympathetic brand (or Love Brand) should be engraved in your company’s DNA. Being a love brand has a lot to do with UX (User eXperience). Saying to someone when they first visit your website: “Hey Handsome, great to have you here! If you have any questions, we’re in the bottom left waiting to help you (with a chat).”

That has nothing to do with sales. It has everything to do about giving people a great feeling. Something they don’t get every day or with every brand.

Authoritative brands sell their products more easily

Would you rather buy at Amazon or at an unknown online store? Would rather buy from someone who successfully funded their project through Kickstarter or someone who failed to get their project funded? Right. It all has to do with the authority of a brand.

If you’re not a well known brand yet (welcome to the club) use someone else’s brand to help yours. If you have clients with big names, use them as client success stories.

Received any rewards? Any nominations? How about the people who work for your company? Show it on your website.

Use Consistency and commitment to create a path to sales

If people say yes to something small, they are more inclined to say yes to something big. A tried and true tactic for ecommerce, for fund raising, for anything really.

There’s a famous conn where someone on the beach will ask you to look after their stuff for a bit while they go swimming. If you say yes you’re more inclined (higher commitment) to watch their stuff than if you weren’t asked. But the conn comes next. Because that person trusted you with their stuff, you’re more inclined to trust them. So you’ll ask them to look after your stuff. And that’s exactly what the conn artist was after. Once you’re in the ocean he quickly steals your stuff and runs off.

The same positive use of consistency and commitment can be used in ecommerce. If you offer someone a coupon for 15% off after they click some link, they’ll be more inclined to spend it too because they just did something small and are easier persuaded to do something bigger to act consistent.

Reciprocity is a powerful psychological weapon

Offer your customers free resources on your blog / website. Something that’s closely related to your niche. Which really helps your readers, for free. I’m building a little asset library on this website (Still have to start… writing first) and one of the things I’ll give away for free is a “Statistical Significance” calculator. There are only very few easy to use ones around. And if you’re actively optimizing your website (and you’re reading about it here) you’ll really want to see if your A/B tests are working out for you.

By giving something to my audience they will have the psychological drive to give something back to me. Use this to your advantage. Ask people to signup for your email list on that page. Place a Click to Tweet on that page that tweets the results from the test. Etc.

I want to grow my blog from 5000 visitors to 10000 a month

It’s time for partnerships now! You have traction. You’re staring to understand the needs of your audience. Now you need to find other likeminded people / companies who you can team up with.

Leave a comment and tell us what kind of business you’re running and what kind of partnerships you’re looking for. Don’t be spammy. Add value to the conversation. Tell us what you did to grow to this size for example. Don’t be shy, common! You have to reach out to gain partnerships. Things don’t just come flying your way.

Connect with up and coming influencers

If you’re at 5k a month traffic you’re doing OK. But you shouldn’t even bother contacting influencers with 1 million+ followers. It’s just a waste of everyone’s time. You can’t afford them, they want more money than you can offer. In stead, look at what people are below the 50k follower count who are active in your niche.

You have to look through the numbers though. Everyone can buy Facebook Likes and Instagram followers. No one can buy an engaged audience. That’s what you’re looking for. An influencer that doesn’t have a large following yet, but has tons and tons of comments on their post. Lots of engagement. Because you don’t want to pay for en empty shell if they give you a shoutout or a sponsored message. You don’t want hollow likes that don’t give you anything else tangible, like actual visitors to your website.

Most of these sub 50k followers are happy to promote your stuff for free. But “be careful” with that approach. Pay peanuts get monkeys. Don’t be afraid to offer them some money to promote your product or service. 50 – 250 dollars will go along way with someone like that. They’ll definitely go the extra mile for you.

When you should contact someone on Instagram and when you should contact someone on YouTube

Are people actively looking for a product you sell? For example: is there search volume on the stuff you sell? Use Google’s Keyword Planner to look that up. If there’s none or very little (below 1k total search volume on various number of products) contact someone on Instagram. You need to create demand before you can capture that demand on other platforms. Make beautiful slick images and videos that (your up n coming) influencers can share on Instagram. You need to follow the classic AIDA pyramid. You need Awareness first. That’s what you’re doing with your videos and slick images. Once you have their attention create Interest in your product. Why would they want to buy it? That makes them Desire your product. Somewhere in between the Interest and Desire in search volume will be created. People will start looking for your product, for alternatives, for the category your product is in. Make sure they buy at your store with a great incentive to stimulate Action.

If there’s already great demand for your product or your product category, contact influences ons YouTube. YouTube’s the worlds 2nd biggest search engine. Creating Desire and Interest in your product is cheaper than if you also have to create Awareness for it. So save some bucks and get more conversion by going directly to a platform that’s driven on search queries.

Pinterest is an awareness platform too. Use it to get people aware of your product

More than 60% of Pinterest’s users are female. Many of them or coming to the platform to get inspiration. They don’t know what they’re looking for yet. But they do know they want to:

  • Go on a holiday
  • Create a new dish
  • Want to get married someday
  • Are tired of their current home decoration

An excellent platform for businesses that need to still create awareness because either their product is so new or it’s more an impulse purchase that has no prior awareness stage to it. If people see it and see the benefits they want it. Pinterest is excellent for that.

I want to grow my blog from 10000 visitors a month to even more

You’re in the big boys club now. You have more than 10k visitors every month. You should be able to make a living from your blog / online business. You’re looking to grow your traffic even more into the 6 digits? Follow these steps.

Improve your site speed to improve rankings and engagement

The more visitors your website receives, the more strained your server gets. It needs to deliver more pages per second. Does more queries per second. Needs to send more data. A slow website is a bad website. Did you know that Amazon loses 1% in revenue for every 0.1 second slower page load time? That was 10 years ago. Their revenue is up to 232 billion these days. So they’ll lose two BILLION dollar in revenue for every tenth of a second their website loads slower. That’s quite a number.

Google found similar numbers in their analyses.

Ideally you want to get your page load time to less than 3 seconds. Anything upwards of 3 seconds will really kill your conversion and engagement numbers. Google doesn’t very often tell webmasters what factors impact ranking. Well, for site speed they made an exception. They were very clear. Slow websites will rank lower.

Goto Google PageSpeed and run your website through it. That should give you quite some pointers for improvement. Run GTMetrix as well. They’re a little bit different but also a really great tool to check your site speed with.

A/B test everything

You now are big enough to start A/B testing EVERYTHING! Because when you have more than 10k visitors a month just slight changes in CTR, conversion rate, etc. make big chances to your traffic and earning needle.

A/B test your title and description tags

Look at your Google Search Console data again. Export the data to a Spreadsheet. Look at the past 1 month only if you have enough data. You want the numbers to be as fresh as possible.

A/B testing your title and description tags is based on pages. Not based on people. So you have to put all your pages into different buckets or categories. Maybe based on countries when you have a travel blog. Or by type of dish (breakfast, lunch, dinner) when you own a food blog.

You want to make these baskets because when you A/B test something you need a control set. A set of pages that you won’t touch. And a set of pages where you make changes.

So if you have 50 urls in 1 basket, change 25 of those pages’ titles and description tags SIGNIFICANTLY. You probably have a standard way of building your titles of writing your descriptions. Or maybe you don’t then this is the right time to test if writing all your titles in the same way will get you more or less traffic.

Change the 25 titles and description tags all in one day. Note the date you made the changes. Start counting 3 days after the date you made changes. Depending on your traffic you need between 2 – 6 weeks of data for you to make an informed decision based on enough data. This is what happened when I changed 30 description tags.

Search traffic went up 52%. Total impressions by about 16%. CTR increased by 32%. Quite an interesting result. But my overall rankings dropped! So here’s where the buckets enter the stage.

You again want to export this data and see whether your changes had any positive effect. You want to rule out a change in search volume. If more people search, you’ll also receive more search traffic, whether your CTR improves or not.

Compare the 2 groups. Look back  (preferably the same part of the month). How many impressions did the control group receive prior to the test? How much did the treatment group receive in impressions? Do the same with CTR, position and clicks. Now compare these stats with 2 to 6 weeks of data 3 days after you changed the titles / descriptions.

See a big positive difference? Change the rest of your titles to match the new setup. Wait a couple of weeks again and recheck to make sure the changes you made, made a positive impact.

Rinse and repeat. Do the same with the other categories. Don’t forget to test on page things too like headings, add links to related content to increase engagement and add more visuals or videos to your content.

A/B test your emails

Before your reader even opens your email he will have seen quite a lot from your email already. Just from gazing their inbox, they’ll see:

  • The sender
  • The subject line
  • The preview text

Optimizing these things can increase open rate a lot. You can easily double or triple your open rate if you make positive changes to these 3 things.

Know your audience and what email software they use

If you use Gmail’s app on your phone you can only read about 60 characters of the preview text before it’s cut off. If you use the iPhone Mail app you can read more than double. So if you know on what devices and with what apps your users open your emails, you can optimize for the biggest common denominator.

There’s no one way to improve open rates. These are some general guidelines you can follow. But I encourage you to test, test and test.

The basics: be respectful. Make sure your email works. Your images are shown.

Be personal. You’re emailing people, not robots. What are their needs? What do they want to know? What’s in it for them if they open your email?

A higher email open rate might still hurt your business

Always look at your number. What would you prefer? A 50% open rate with a 1% conversion rate. Or a 20% open rate and a 5% conversion rate? If you make your headline to clickbaity it could hurt your click through rate to your website and hurt you conversion rate. Stay honest. Mention the real value people get from the email. Not the maybe if you’re very lucky and do this and this and that.

A/B test your website to capture more emails

What opt in forms are you showing on your website? Where are they showing? What do you promote when you show the opt in form?

If you use Sumo you can easily try different messages and see how that changes conversion rate to subscription. If you Go Pro you can automize all that. You don’t need to create a new form or change an old form to see if that increases conversion. You can just start an A/B test and keep the winner.

Another nice A/B test is to add a Welcome Mat or another more in your face kind of opt in form for you emails and look at what happens to your organic rankings. You should see your engagement figures go down a bit if you focus too much on business value vs customer value. And if your engagement numbers go down, so will probably your organic rankings. If you don’t get a lot of organic search visitors, or you don’t care or the business value is just too big… Go for it. But if you see a steep drop in rankings… You know why it happened. If you revert all the in-your-face-stuff you added, your rankings should get back to normal.

Look up outdated or bad looking content and create better versions

Ever came across a research paper or a piece of real interesting content that looked like cr*p? You just hit the jackpot. It’s this kind of content that usually gets a lot of inbound links. Imagine how many links you could get if you visualized the content? Made a more visual enticing page? Created an infographic.

Run the url you found through’s Link Explorer or through Majestic to see how many links it picked up.

This page is a nice example. It lists 50 ideas for research papers. Just text. Nothing more. Probably took em an hour to build the page.

Guess how many links it picked up? 10? 20? 50? Think again

88 links from 59 domains. You have 59 websites to contact once you repurpose this content into something which IS visually appealing.

You could also (once you did you entire round of outreach) contact the website that made the original content and tell them you made a great addition to their content. Give them the infographic (or whatever you made) and ask if they could link back to your page.

Don’t repurpose content when that content didn’t receive any links or only a few links. If you make 1 infographic and have 59 chances to have it featured on another website, that’s a great ratio to do the work. If another url received 3 links for their content… I wouldn’t put the effort in. Chances are you won’t get anything out of it.

Do a small user study and get dozens of new ideas to optimize your website

Ask at least 8 friends and family members to have a look at your website. Give them a specific task. Create a few tasks for every person you’re asking to help you. Like:

  • You’re interested in X and are going to buy related product Y
  • Signup for my newsletter
  • Find the return policy and tell me the number of days to return a product
  • How can you lookup your previous orders
  • What are the product benefits for product Z
  • Etc

If you ask this to a dozen people in your direct network, you’re going to get so much information out of it. Don’t do this over the phone or anything like that. Invite them for dinner or a cup of coffee. Let them sit behind your laptop (preferably even theirs because you’ll see how your website looks on a different device and how someone who’s accustomed to their own device) to do the tasks.

Get them in a talking mood. They should be constantly talking about what they’re doing. About what they’re feeling. Write everything down or record the session so you can dig into every little detail they give you.

Don’t just listen to what they’re saying. Look at where they’re looking. Look at where the mouse is going to. Is it logical what they’re doing? Should you change the layout? Don’t tell people where stuff is. It’s obvious for you because you live in your website. They don’t. They’re like your normal users / customers. And remember: the customer always tells the truth, not matter what. So don’t explain to them way you made a certain decision. Turn that around and think why he/she went about doing the task the way they did. Think about how you can improve that process.

If you give all your subjects 3 tasks I’m sure you’re going to get at least 10 to 20 things you can improve on your website. Don’t invite more than 10 people. 8 would be ideal. 20 is really overkill. You’ll get the same answers over and over.

I have done dozens of user studies over the years for my own websites and my customers websites. It always amazes me how people interact with our websites. You can put 100 hours into a webpage. Really think things through. But reality will kick you in the face and will force you to make changes.

Use automated tools to collect user feedback

You’re now big enough to collect automated feedback from your users. Both qualitative and quantitative.

You can collect quantitative data with a tool like CrazyEgg. You implement their pixel on your website and it allows you to records user sessions. See scroll depth, where people click, etc. etc.

Once you’ve identified a webpage or part of a page where you could make improvements, CrazyEgg allows you to start an A/B test and see if the changes you make actually did something positive.

You can add a conversion goal to the A/B test. The version which has the highest conversion rate will be selected as a winner. You can subsequently implement those changes on your website. Rinse and repeat.

Use a survey tool for qualitative feedback

There are tons of feedback tools out there.

Here are a few. The basic steps you go through are all the same. Implement a pixel. Create a form. Tell the Survey Tool where to display the survey.

With most basic or free versions you can tell them on what pages to open, or after how many seconds people are on a certain page, or after they visited a number of pages, etc.

Ask open ended questions like: What are you missing on this page? Or: If you could name 1 thing that is stopping you from buying at us, what would it be?

Asking that last question after somebody made a person is also a really good one. They actually did make the picture, so it’s relevant information. Your target audience. You want tot attract more buyers like them. So if you can pinpoint why they ALMOST didn’t buy, you could make great improvements on your website.

Ask your audience for help

I’m coming to the conclusion of this article. More than 12,000 words of advice on how to grow your blog. A lot of information. Definitely not everything, but a lot of (hopefully helpful) information nonetheless.

If you’re out of ideas, literally ask your audience if they can help you find ways how to improve your website. Ask it through email, on Twitter or Facebook. Or just plain and simple at the end of your post. So here goes: if you guys could name 1 thing that would improve this page, what would it be?

I look forward to hearing from you guys. All comments will be answered. Chances are that if you make a great comment I’ll check your website out and give you some free advice. (Remember reciprocity?! :))


The ultimate personal finance guide: Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE)

Everyone wants more money. Everyone wants less stress about money. Everyone should have a basic understanding of you can get your financial house in order. In this guide I’m sharing my personal finance knowledge so you can have a richer life. A life with less stress, a better overview and more money to spend (if you want). But you can also choose to have a shorter time before you can become financially independent.

Disclaimer: I am not a financial expert. Always consult a (certified) expert before making changes to your financial situation. This is just an example of how I do my personal finance.

It all starts with an overview of your current finances

  1. Create a big Spreadsheet
  2. Run through ALL your income and expenses from the past year
  3. Write them down in the Spreadsheet
  4. Lookup the interest rates of your debts (credit card, car, house, other personal loans)

I’m in the process of creating an example Spreadsheet for you. In the meanwhile, keep reading and learning.

The budget is a means to an end. It gives you a great overview of your income and expenses. Especially your expenses. Only a few percent of people make a household budget. If less stick to it.

Creating an overview/budget is a big step in creating financial freedom

You have to put some effort into this. Like I said: go through ALL your incomes and expenses from the last year. Most of your expenses are fixed, but you can make the biggest gains but looking at the non fixed expenditures and making changes to them.

Before we budgeted on food, we spent almost $1200 a month on it. Now if you make a boatload of money, it doesn’t really matter. But I’d rather spend a bit less than a bit more. We actually had no clue how much we spent because:

  1. We paid for our food on 3 different debit cards. My private card, my girlfriend’s private card and our mutual card. So we had no idea.
  2. We didn’t keep track of our food expenses
  3. We didn’t have a budget

Right now, we’re working on getting our spending to about $750 a month. It’s a constant challenge for us. You have to keep track of what you’ve spent. You have to look at how long your month still is and what you can still spend. You have to purchasing lists. Etc. Etc. I’ll go into it a bit deeper later in this post.

Split your expenses in 3 parts

  • Fixed
  • Subscriptions
  • Non fixed

Fixed expenses are hardest to lower. That’s why they are fixed. You can always live smaller and save on your rent that way, but that should only be done if you spend upwards of 60% – 70% on rent / mortgage. Most people spend between 25% and 50% of their household income on their rent / mortgage. If you spend upwards of 60% try to find a roommate. It’s an easy fix to lowering your percentage spent on your rent / mortgage.

In this subscription-based economy our spending on subscriptions has sky rocketed. You can have subscriptions for anything really. It’s pretty easy to spend 10% of your household income on subscriptions.

You non fixed income is the easiest to take control of. This consists of groceries, travel, electronics and clothing. There’s 1 exception to this category: medical bills. It’s not fixed but you also don’t want to save on medical bills.

The overview should be an eye-opener for you

Once you finish the overview you should immediately see where the big chunks of your monthly check goes to. What are the largest expenditures for you? Groceries and clothing? Groceries and travel?

Budgeting is different for everyone. If you really enjoy buying clothes, you wont hear me say not to do it. The most important thing you should ask yourself is: is this worth it to me? If you spend upwards of 10% of your income on clothes you should ask yourself if it’s worth it. If you’re spending more than there’s coming in, things will become different. It’s no longer a question of being worth it. It’s a question of: am I lowering my spending on clothes or on something else. You have to do something. Ramping up your credit card or personal debt to keep you in the spending mode is not a sustainable way to live. You have to change something.

You can have different goals of creating grip on your personal finance

  • Get out of debt
  • Retire early
  • Save more (to spend on other things)
  • Become financially independent
  • Leave something for your children
  • Etc

How to get out of debt?

If you’ve made the Excel and you have the overview, you can see in one glance if you’re left with some money at the end of the month/year of if you spend too much and are ramping up your credit card / personal debt.

Your first response to when you’re ramping up debt is to STOP ALL SPENDING. Go sit at home and think about what you’re doing. Don’t be a moron. Don’t keep your lavish lifestyle you can’t afford. Also don’t think that a credit card debt of $10,000, $50,000 or even $250,000 is insurmountable. It is. I’ll show you how

So. You decided to stop spending? Yes? GREAT! Now.. CUT YOUR CREDIT CARDS IN HALF. As in literally take the scissors and gut them to pieces. All of them. Grab your debit card and put it front and centre in your wallet.

Next up is: finding out which credit card to repay first.

There are 2 strategies to pay back your credit cards. The smartest way and the emotional best way.

The smartest way is the simplest. Write down all your credit card debts and their interest rates.

$20,000 @ 12% = $2,400 interest per year

$8,000 @ 10% = $ 800 interest per year

$17,000 @ 13.4% = $2278 interest per year

When you want to spend the least amount of money when paying back your credit cards, you should pay back the one with the highest interest rate.

If you want a bit more emotional support when you’re paying back your credit card debt, then you should pay back the smallest amount first. It will give you the quickest “feel good” boost and will keep you on the right track longer. If you’re a very (emotional) stable person. Choose the smartest strategy.

If you’re a strong person who has a lot of mental resilience you could use your other debt options as an advantage. I must caution you here… If you have a lot of debt, that’s usually a signal that you think you are resilient but you’re not. Only in rare cases (with large medical bills for example) do you ramp up a lot of debt.

If you do have other debts you might have some more room to move. In the above example you want to pay off the 13,4% interest debt first. If you have a personal finance option that has some room left, use the room your have there to pay off some credit card debt. Usually a personal loan has an interest rate well below 10%. Always check first though!

When I had my student loan I had an interest rate of 7%. That was over 10 years ago. So I’m sure with the current low(er) interest rate you should have or can find a loan where the interest rate is (a lot) lower then your credit card rate.

If you only pay back $1000 of credit card debt with a personal loan @ 7%, you save 13.4% – 7% = 6.4% * 1000 = $64 a year. That’s a little over $5 a month you can use to repay the debt even quicker. Just those $64 compounds to a lot of money over a 10 year period.

Those 64 dollars, if you paid back that amount plus the amount you save on interest would net you $1060 in 11 years.  For doing nothing except moving a bit of debt. That’s actually what big companies do a lot. It’s called refinancing. They’re always on the lookout to repay their current debt for debt with lower interest rates. You will have saved more than the initial $1000 you diverted from another loan. That’s the power of compounded interest.

Consider what you can do if you have more room at different loans. Make a list of all of them and see what’s the best route to pay the least amount of interest and save the most through the compounding of interest.

There’s an even easier way to repay your credit card debt: sell stuff

You should treat credit card debt (or any interest carrying debt really) as an emergency. As a life threatening infection that if left untreated will kill you. If you threat it like that, things become real serious real quick.

Have a second car? A motorcycle you don’t use? An attic full of stuff you don’t use? Craigslist (or your local version) is your friend.

If you have a 2nd car or motorcycle or anything that also costs a monthly sum, you’ll kill 2 birds with one stone. I don’t know how this works in the US, but here in the Netherlands owning a car is expensive. I own 2 cars. One is an asset (I make money with it) the other one is a hobby. For my “asset car” I pay $2400 a year in fixed costs. That’s a lot of money. Compound that for 11 years @ 13,4%  and you’ll have repaid back $39,781 in debt in 11 years time. Now we’re talking.

Every $1000 the car’s worth will also save you another $1000 in 10 – 11 years.

Repay all your debt until you reach debt with an interest rate below 4% and think

Once you reach debt with 4% or lower interest rate, you should’ve reached your mortgage or a low interest student loan from the government. I repaid my $25,000 student loan in about 3 years. That was my last (and only) high interest rate debt. It ran at 7,4%.

Now here’s where you start have to make choices again. Investing in Index funds should yield you a higher return than 4%. Calculated over a 20 year time period they should yield you about 5%. If you have your own company and you make more money on your equity than 4% you could invest the newly freed up cash in your own company.

My choice would be to keep paying off your debt first. All of it. Even if the interest is really low.

Pay off all your debt

We had a mortgage at a 4% rate. We recently refinanced to 2,84%. That’s a pretty good deal considering we get 50% of the interest we pay back here in The Netherlands. We paid back over $52,000 of debt in the last 6 years we’ve been living there now. If we just repaid the bare minimum, we would’ve repaid a total of $35,000. The extra 17k we paid off could’ve lowered our monthly bill with about $150, every month. Think about what you could spend 150 bucks on every month!! We didn’t want the extra spending money. We’re now actually paying off our mortgage 4 years sooner than we normally would BY NOT DOING A THING. We’re living pretty frugal and we knew that we didn’t need the extra 150 bucks. We wouldn’t miss it and spending it wouldn’t improve our happiness level. But being off a mortgage 4 years earlier is definitely something that WILL make us happier.

Own the right car for your daily needs, not your once a year needs

Like I mentioned before: owning a car is really expensive. Owning a car you don’t really need is CRAZY expensive. Lots of people have cars they don’t really need. They are to big (higher taxes and insurance rates). They are too new (higher insurance rates and higher depreciation). They are too old (lots of expenses + high fuel consumption). Etc. Etc.

We own 2 cars. We only need 1. So I’m actually not living by my own norms, but I have a good reason for it. 1 of our cars is an asset. It actually makes us money. Just like you can rent out your room or house through AirBnB so too can you rent out you car. That car costs my $200 dollars a month. Pretty expensive. It’s a diesel so that costs a bit more in road tax. I use it when I need to travel far. I don’t use it a lot so I have lots of possibilities to rent it out.

In the past two months alone I earned 700 Euro’s by renting out that 1 car. It cost me 400. I made 300 bucks just by owning one. I don’t know if there’s a local SnappCar version in your country. But if you can find one, I’d register your car.

Just renting your car out for 2 days a month should pay for at least 50% of your fixed car costs.

All the money I earn through renting out is saved to a separate savings account. That savings account is to buy a new(ish) car in a few years time when this one is written off. I expect this car, it’s a 2008 BMW 3-series Diesel by the way, to still last at least 3 years. I service it myself (a great way to save a low of money) and do all the necessary maintenance on time.

In the future I’ll make a guide how to service your car yourself. Even for people who have never done anything on their car (not even refilling the windscreen wash) it’s still possible to save money by doing things that are SUPER EASY yourself.

Back to owning the right car. A lot of people own a car that they want all year but only need once or twice a year. There’s money to be made if you’re one of those guys (it’s usually guys really). Need a big truck because you have to move a lot stuff? When was the last time you actually did? If you do it less than 4 times a year, you don’t need that F150 truck. You can buy a normal (small) family car and save hundreds of bucks on insurance and tax and even more on fuel if you drive a lot. Rent the car for your special needs. A truck, a holiday car. It’s less expensive than owning one of these all year round.

If you own a car that’s 20 years old or older and you have a lot of expenses, you should really get rid of it. Yes I know, it’s you baby. You can’t say bye bye. But YOU NEED TO. It’s costing you too much money. There’s another reason why you shouldn’t use a 20 year old car. Fuel efficiency has greatly improved over the past decade. What you spend on a newer car, you’ll get back with a lower fuel bill.

Buy a car that’s at least 7 years old

7 year old cars or a bit older are probably the best “aged”. They’ve depreciated a lot but are still modern. You can buy $5000 – $10000 cars which are fine for small families (maximum of 2 or 3 children).

Buying a new(ish) car is hard. You should invest most time here, because this is when you actually make money. Never buy in a rush. Always come back a second time. ALWAYS bring an expert who knows a lot about cars and who can do the negotiating. Everyone knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a sh*tload about cars. Call him in. Bring him along for the ride. You can probably barter your way out with him. Maybe there’s something you can do for him that will get him to do you a favour with the car buying part. If you have to, pay someone (familiar).

The two most important things you have to consider when buying a new car are: fuel economy and fuel economy. 3rd is weight and 4th is space. You have to know how many miles you’re planning on driving a year. Use this excel sheet to calculate the different cars you’re comparing.

[insert car cost calculator sheet here]

If you drive a lot of miles > 20,000 a year fuel consumption becomes even more important. If you drive less the combination of weight and fuel consumption are both important. Mileage and weight are usually pretty correlated. Same goes for insurance cost + road tax and weight / fuel consumption. The less miles you make, the more important the fixed costs (road tax + insurance). The more miles you make the more important fuel consumption becomes.

Newer cars cost less in maintenance but the total cost of ownership is lot higher

A new car or even a car that’s less than 5 years old has still a lot to depreciate. A new $20,000 car will lose about half its value in the first 5 – 7 years. So besides insurance (which is higher because you want to insure against theft etc.) you pay 10,000 bucks just for owning the car. Most people buy new cars because they don’t want any trouble with the car. But if you bring the expert with you on your car hunt, you’ll have only a very very small chance that you’ve bought a piece of junk.

If you can, don’t own a car at all

Besides owning a house, a car is the most expensive thing you’ll ever buy. And while a house is usually an asset (you make money owning it in stead of losing money) a car is almost in all cases a liability. It costs money to own and operate. A lot. On average I’d say owning a car will set you back $2000 – $4000 a year. If you drive a really small one, don’t drive a lot of miles. Do the maintenance yourself, you could get as low as $1500 but that’s hard to do.

If you have any chance of not owning a car I would suggest and sell you car. Setting aside $2000 a year for the next 20 years will give you a total amount of 50,000 bucks! So the compounded interest alone (at 4%) will give you an extra 10k that can go towards earlier retiring.

Don’t switch your car for a cab please

In stead switch your car for a bike. I don’t know if where you live is a good place to bike, but it will sure save you a lot of bucks and is a nicer workout than sweating like a pig in the gym which sets you back at least 50 bucks a month.

I do most of my miles biking. I probably bike at least 3,000 miles per year by bike. I only take a car when the cost of the car is lower than public transportation and the time it takes me to take the car is a lot shorter than public transportation.

Live nearby your work

The easiest way to save money on driving cost is to live nearby your work. I work from home and from a nearby co-working spot. I even work inside our local church. It wasn’t being used for service anymore and has been completely repurposed as a library, a co-working space, a cafe and a museum. I wear noise canceling ear phones from Sony I only hear my music and absolutely no other noise in here.

If you drive 20,000 miles a year you are:

  • wasting a lot of time commuting
  • spending a lot of money on gas and maintenance

Think of it this way. Most people don’t care if their commute is 45 minutes one way. They think it’s not that bad. But that’s 1.5 hours per day. Or 7,5 hours per week! you’re actually working 6 days a week if you’re commuting for 45 minutes or more everyday. I also try to pick clients where my commute is below 30 minutes and who accept flexible working hours. That way I can avoid traffic jams so my travel time is more predictable.

How much money could you EARN in that extra day’s work? In stead, you are now WASTING that time behind in your car. You’re putting yourself at risk. Putting pressure on the environment and SPENDING money, in stead of making it, on gas.

In less that 10 years time you’ll have worked an extra YEAR for commuting over 45 minutes. If you didn’t spend the money on travel but on repaying your mortgage you could’ve saved over 100,000 bucks. That’s 10k a year for living closer.

Think about all the time you can spend at home doing the things that you love. Doing the things that give you energy and actually make you happy. Or the amount of money you could’ve earned if you didn’t commute but spent that time working. Even working half the time you saved on commuting would net me a total extra turnover of 160 hours x 85 dollars = 13,6k. That’s on top of the money you saved not travelling so much.

When I visit my clients I usually go by car. I have a couple of different clients per year and never know where I’ll end up next. So I bought the BMW 3-series with the thought in mind that I would rent it out if I didn’t use it at least 5 days a week. It’s a private owned car. My company didn’t pay for it because in the end I pay a lot more income tax for it. My company is now actually paying me for the use of my car. I charge my company 19 cents per km (or 30.4 cents per .62 mile).

I travel about 13,000 miles per year with it for company appointments, so my company incurs an extra 3952 dollars of cost. That saves me 1800 dollars of income tax because those costs lower my profit.

My per Mile cost for the car is:

  • 11,2 cents gas
  • 4,2 cents for insurance
  • 11,3 cents for road tax
  • 2 cents for maintenance
  • Total cost per mile: 28,7 cents

I receive 30,4 cents per mile, it costs my 28,7 cents per mile. I actually make money every time I drive to a customer. For every 17 miles I drive to clients I can drive 1 mile for free for private appointments or holidays.

But remember: I already paid for all the insurance, road tax and maintenance cost. The total cost I make per year on those 3 items is calculated in the total mileage cost for the miles I make travelling to clients. So every mile I drive for private appointments only costs me 11,2 cents. That’s only 40% of the total cost of running the car. So in stead of having a free mile every 17 “company car” miles. I get 1,4 free miles every 17 company car miles. That’s 1070 free miles every year.

I calculate my per Mileage cost based on my Mileage. Like I mentioned before, I rent out my car. I get paid about 30 dollars per day when I rent it out. Renting my car out pays me on average 300 dollars a month. So all my fixed costs are covered by renting the car out.

300 dollars per month is nice, but you should calculate your cars’ cost per mile. So I have an Excel sheet were I fill in all the money I made with the car and how many miles people drove with it. Because the more they drive, the more maintenance cost I have.

My earnings per mile are around 28 cents. I calculate 3 cents per mile for extra maintenance costs. People who rent your car are usually a little less forgiving for the car. They drive a bit faster, abuse it a bit more. So I take that sort of behaviour into account but increasing my maintenance cost by 50%. That leaves me with 25 cents per mile driven by my renters that is totally free money. I can do whatever I want with it.

I save all of it for 2 reasons. I have a second car. A hobby car. And hobbies are allowed to cost money. I still have days / weeks where I think I need to get rid of this car, but every time I see it and every time my girlfriend sees it, we decide to hold on to it.

A ’91 Mercedes-Benz 560 SEC. The most beautiful car in the world. 300 HP. Great seats. Coupe windows. Cruise control. Climate control. But the mileage. Oops the mileage. Let’s not start about that shall we? 🙂

Don’t borrow money to buy a car

If you don’t have the money to buy a car…. Don’t buy a car. Sounds simple right? How the hell do you think you’ll pay for the car once you own it if you don’t even have the money to buy one now that you don’t have one (read: aren’t even incurring the extra costs for the car??). You won’t. If you borrow money for a car you’ll sink deeper and deeper in the death debt swamp.

WOW but there’s a financing deal on right now. It only costs 1,5% to finance my new car. That’s nothing right? Wrong. It’s a lot. For 2 reasons.

The first being: if you can borrow money to buy something, do you buy a smaller or older car? Or do you buy a little bit more of an expensive ride because “you can afford it”. Probably, most definitely the latter.

Second reason: Most mortgages have an interest rate well above 1,5%. Most even above 3%. So borrowing money while on the cheap is still a worse deal than paying back your mortgage which has an interest rate of 3%. Cars are usually financed for 3 – 6 years. You pay for the full amount but after 5 years the car will have halved in value. More expensive cars drop more in value than cheaper cars. So borrowing money will hurt you many times over.

Don’t accept a company car / lease cars unless you’ve made the necessary calculations

I don’t know how it works in other countries, but here in The Netherlands if you drive a company car, you pay income tax for it. it’s a form of payment in kind and a lot of countries tax it. 50% of all new car registrations are for company cars. So it’s really popular.

In our country you pay anywhere between 4% and 22% for new cars and 35% for cars older than 15 years. The percentage is a percentage of the total retail price your company paid that’s added to your income.

So let’s say you have a 50,000 dollar car and have an electric car, 4% of the 50k is added to your income. That’s 2000 dollars a year. If you reach over 60k of income a year here, you pay 50% taxes. So this would cost you 1k a year.

The benefits CAN outweigh the cons though. That’s why you have to calculate if it’s interesting for you or not. It depends on the amount of miles you drive for your work. What alternative transportation benefit scheme there is and how many miles you travel for private means.

Let’s say you’re in sales. You drive 20,000 miles per year to travel to clients and to commute to work. On top of that you travel 10,000 miles per years for private means. Would it be more interesting to drive a company car or to own your own?

A normal travel allowance for people who are in sales is about 800 bucks a month. Some companies pay this amount as a salary if you decide to drive in your own car. Let’s take that as an example. 800 bucks gross is about 400 net.

Could it be more interesting to drive my own car or not?

Let’s bring back the costs per mile again. For 13,000 miles they were 28,7 cents. My costs for mileage don’t change. but the costs per mile for insurance and tax will drop because my mileage went up.

New cost per mile for 20,000 miles / year

  • 11,2 cents gas
  • 2,7 cents for insurance
  • 7,3 cents for road tax
  • 1,8 cents for maintenance
  • Total cost per mile: 23 cents

I drive 20,000 miles a year so that’s 1667 miles per month. 1667 * 23 = 383 bucks. That would leave me with just 17 bucks to do the private driving. I planned on doing 10,000 of those miles. That would only cost me the gas again because all the other costs have already been paid for.

10,000 miles costs me $1120. Together with the $17 dollars a month I still have left from the $400 I started with It’s actually cheaper for me to drive my own car. $17*12 = $204. $1120 – $204 = $916. So I save $84 per year if I drive my own car. The only problem of course is… I have to account for the depreciation of my own car and the fact that I someday have to replace it. SO with that in mind, this changes the outcome.

I’ll develop an Excel sheet that will help you make this decision for you. Because if I’d only make 5,000 private miles a year, I could save $764 a year to buy a new car. That could be more than enough to pay for a new car.

How to save on groceries

The next big thing you can save money on is groceries. Planning and budgeting is everything here.

Rule number one: Only go shopping once a week

The more frequent you go shopping, the more money you’ll spend. Limit your visit to the grocery store to once a week. That should immediately shave 10% off what you spend right now.

If you visit the store more frequent, you’ll buy stuff that you don’t need. It means you’re only taking of today. Only thinking about now. You probably have a full fridge back home. NEVER go shopping when you’re hungry. You’ll buy way more… 🙂

Rule number two: make a list of what you’ll eat that week

I’m working on a spreadsheet that will help you plan and budget your meals. In a 4 person household, if you have a 600 dollar budget per month for groceries it means you can spend $1.65 on every meal per person. If you think that’s not a lot of money.. You are wrong.

This is our Spaghetti bolognese recipe:

  • table spoon of olive oil (10 cent)
  • 1 onion (20 cent)
  • 2 cloves of garlic (10 cent)
  • 1 pound minced meat (6 dollar)
  • 5 fresh tomatoes (1.5 dollar)
  • 1 courgette ( 70 cent)
  • 1 can of tomato’s (50 cent)
  • 1 can of tomato puree (10 cent)
  • Spaghetti (50 cent)
  • Total: $9,7 = $2,42 per person

But thats more than 1,65? YES! We eat twice from this… 🙂 So it actually only costs us $1,21 per person.

Rule number 3: have one day per week where you clear out all the leftovers.

If you have one day a week where you eat everything that’s left over you’ll save 1,65 x 4 x 3 = $19,8 per week. Or $1k a year! You could save it or spend a bit extra when you have (birthday) parties.

Being frugal is pretty cool really 🙂 Did you know we through out a SH*TLOAD of food every year? 100 pounds a year, easily. Some is still edible. The rest is because you bought too much.

Rule number 4: grow your own food

But, but, but. I’m not a farmer? I don’t even have a garden. I’ve never touched a plant… I … SSssssss.

Owning plants, especially herbs, is very easy. They just need light and water. If you have no garden you can keep them indoors. Same if you’re not in the right climate. but where is it still cold these days with all the climate change?

We love to put fresh herbs in out food. But fresh herbs cost a lot of money if you keep buying them in store. Even the ones in those glass containers, the grinded stuff is crazy expensive. Everything you can grow yourself will save you a lot of money.

Easiest thing to do is to buy a basil plant or coriander plant at your local grocery store. In stead of plucking it empty immediately, plant it in a bigger pot so it has room to grow. I bought 3 pots of mint, basil, coriander and rosemary. They are now supplying our household with full time delicious herbs. Only cut the leaves of the basil. Don’t cut the branches. They’ll grow new leaves.

If you don’t have the climate for it, or only half the year, do still keep you plants outside. They grow a lot faster and maybe even more important: they taste better. Once the season start to come to and end harvest your herbs and put them in the freezer. You can keep them in there for months. In the meantime just place your pots indoors behind the window again and wait for them to grow again. Rinse and repeat. Saves us at least $1500 a year.

I try to plant some tomatoes, courgette and pepper plants as well. This gives us a bit of extra (free) food. If your fresh veggies turn bad. Don’t throw them away. In stead, cut them open. You’ll see that the seeds inside will have started growing. Gently take them out of the veggie (this works for tomatoes, peppers, courgette, etc. And place them in a pot with soil and add plenty of water. You can get a whole army of plants just from one rotting veggie!

Rule number 5: don’t eat out

Yes, in some cities it’s actually cheaper to order in or eat somewhere at a restaurant. But for everyone who isn’t living in New York city, it’s cheaper to drive to a big grocery food chain and buy your food and make it yourself.

Rule number 6: the budget and plan

If you walked through the entire article word for word, you should’ve gone through your entire year of bank statements. You should know how much you spend on groceries right now. If you don’t, check last month or a month that comes the closest to what you normally spend on groceries. What’s your magic number?

I’m in the process of creating a spreadsheet that will help you with your food spending. But more importantly that will help you get them under control and show you how much you can save by cutting down on food spending. Once the Spreadsheet is finished I’ll make it available to download.

To get your spending under control you need to know what you’re cooking. Because if you know what you’re eating you know what to buy. It’s a killer for your budget if you just walk in the store and have no clue what’s for dinner. You’ll grab the quick and easy stuff. You won’t buy things in bulk you often use. In short: you’ll spend a lot more money.

For a family of 4 it’s doable to go down to as low as $500 or less per month on food spending. We’re trying to get to $600 right now. We actually co own a farm (with 200 others) and we spend $80 on that every month. We don’t get full value from it as you would if you’d go to the store but it’s healthier, it’s local and tastes better. So we don’t mind to spend a bit more on that.

Most families of 4 are upwards of $1000 dollars a month. If you can bring down your spending in the $500 – $600 range you’ll save $61,133 in 10 years time. That’s quite a bit of money.

While I’m still working on my spreadsheet.. Grab your own. Or even a piece of paper will be enough for now. We do grocery shopping on Monday and make our list on Saturday or Sunday. On Saturday we visit our farm so we know exactly what we have for the week.

Based on our food we picked up from the farm we try to make 3 to 4 meals. We have to add meat or other veggies to them to get a full meal usually. So we need another 3 to 4 meals + extra’s before we’re done with our list.

For you it should be a bit simpler. You need breakfast and dinner probably 7 days a week. Depending on work / kids etc. you also need lunch 7 times a week. To make it easy we’ll just say that you have 21 meals to supply yourself with.

We usually eat the same in the morning. Bread. That’s easy and also pretty cheap. A loaf of bread is $2,20 here. It has on average 24 slices. So that’s 10 cent per slice. We average out on about 20 cents per spread. We sometimes use peanut butter, cheese, “spreadable” cheese, vegetarian sausage, etc.

Our children average out at 2 slices. So that’s 2x 10 + 2x 20 = 60 cents per person. My girlfriend eats a bit more. 3 slices on avg. So 90 cents. My breakfast is really expensive compared to theirs… :-/ I’m trying to lose a bit of wait so I’m avoiding bread and other high carb food. My breakfast runs me $2 a day IF I buy in bulk when it’s on sale. If I don’t buy in bulk I pay $3.50. I eat this stuff 6 days a week so thats 312 days a year. I can save, just with breakfast alone, $468 if I buy the stuff when it’s on sale. This is why you should plan. Normally I can buy this somewhere on sale every 4 weeks. So I need 24 of these. The best before date is very long. So I could actually buy 100 of them and they still would be good enough to eat.

Last tip which works well for me. The $1.65 is a great anchor point if you’re on the road a lot. Almost anything you buy will be more expensive that that. You’ll never get a proper meal. So prepare your meals at home. I mix some couscous with mint and lime. Add some tomatoes, cucumbers and chicken and have a great lunch for a little over $2. That’s a lot more value compared to a $1.50 Cheeseburger.

Just by having a budget and a plan, you can save 10% – 30% on groceries every month

It’s all about knowing what to buy when and in what quantities. Veggies and fruit will last you a week. So buying them in bulk doesn’t really help you out. Unless you freeze everything. You can make some great smoothies by freezing bananas, mangos and red fruit like strawberries and blue berries.

Another chunk of change can be saved when you buy in bulk. You need to get your per serving food cost down. 3 for 2 when you’ve already planned on eating 3 is great value. 3 for 2 when you’ve not even planned one in your meal plan is a bad deal.

Same with coupons. Coupons are excellent to save money, but they should have already been incorporated in your meal plan. If they’re not, getting 50% off something you’ve only going to use for 20% is still a shitty deal.

The third reason why you’ll save a lot of money is because you won’t buy stuff (or buy less) of the things that are not on your list. Going unprepared into the jaws of the grocery store will kill you financially. Some very smart people work there who’re trying to have you put as much in your basket as possible.

Some easy tweaks to lower your gas & electricity bill

The avg electricity & gas bill in the US is about $2400 a year. In The Netherlands it’s a little bit lower. About $2000 even though we pay roughly double the amount per kW and 30% more for our gas. Why?

90% of your homes have air conditioning. More than anywhere in the world. And air conditioning costs a lot of money.

Even increasing your A/C temperate with 1 degree will save you about $100 on your electricity bill a year. Open up your house when temperatures start to drop so the house can also cool down. Once the temperature outside almost reaches the indoor temperature, close doors, windows and curtains. This will keep the maximum amount of heat outside.

It works the same way in the winter. Lowering your thermostat by just 1 degree will save you $100 a year, every year. If you do both (you A/C and your heating) you’ll save $2233 in 10 years time. If you wear a sweater in winter you can probably do without a few more degrees.

Heat reflective foil is your best friend in winter

Buy this stuff in spring because demand will be lower. You’ll have all summer to postpone doing the work and save 20% on your heating bill. What is it? Heat reflective foil is nothing more than a very thin layer of foil you line your attic with and stick on the wall behind your heating / radiators.

It is incredibly effective for the amount of money it costs. 30% of the heat that comes out of you radiator is absorbed by the wall behind it. Up to 50% of your heat just flies out of the attic if you don’t insulate it.

So using the foil will lower the amount of heat your radiators have to give for your room to become nice and warm. There’s another little tip you can use. If you have curtains who hang in front of the radiators, try to push them behind the radiators. That directs more heat inside your living space as opposed to against the windows.

Final tip on saving on your heating bill only works if you have some real large heat dispersing units. Place a (small) ventilator on top of them on the slowest setting. This will disperse the heat more to where you’re sitting in stead of keeping it close to the radiator or other “heat giving units”.

If you own a house, try to keep it in the “asset” box

When I was 16 I read the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad“. It was my first personal finance book. I absolutely loved. From that moment on I started buying and creating assets. And buying more personal finance books.

What are assets I hear you ask? They make you money. An interest bearing  savings account. A 401k. Stock. A house (if you’re smart). Owning assets should bring in money without the work.

A lot of people own a house but by the way they’re “treating” it push it toward the liabilities box. Liabilities are things that cost money. Your car is probably your biggest liability. You have to pay insurance and road tax even if you don’t use it. The car depreciates in value. It sucks the money from your account like a big vacuum cleaner.

This shouldn’t be the same with a house you own. Lets take a typical $250,000 house. Let’s say you have a $200,000 mortgage at 3%. On average houses appreciate in value at a rate of 4% per year. Inflation is around 2% a year. So your house gains a net value of 2% every year. That’s $5,000 a year without having to work. Pretty sweet.

Now consider these 2 families. Family 1 is repaying the house in 20 years with a linear mortgage. Their monthly payment $1109. It consists of $500 of interest and $609 for paying off the mortgage completely.

Family 2 has an interest-only mortgage. For the sake of argument they’ll have the same interest rate as family 1. Usually though, because you’re not lowering your mortgage with monthly payment but only paying for the interest, the bank’s risk is higher. A higher risk normally means a higher interest rate. Their monthly payment is only $500. Think of what you can do with those 600 bucks you don’t have to spend on your house!! WRONG!!!

This is the situation after 2 years. Family 1 will own a home that’s worth $371,487. When they sell it they will have 371k in their hands. They can use if for retirement, spend on their childrens’ education.

Family 2 will own the same house worth 371k but they still have the mortgage of 200k. If they sell it they’ll only have 171k for their retirement. A 200k difference! But that’s not the entire story. The best part (at least I think so) is that family is free from the chains of the bank. They have no more monthly payments to make to the bank. They now freed up 1100 bucks that can go somewhere else.

Family 2 will still have to pay their monthly payment of $500 dollars until they die. If you just follow through on a few tips in this FIRE guide you will have freed up at least 600 bucks a month to spend on repayment of your mortgage. If there’s absolutely no way you can make monthly payment to repay your mortgage… YOU SHOULD MOVE to a smaller house!

Remember: once you retire your income will drop significantly. So the extra 500 bucks that you don’t have to spend on rent / interest will be a life saver. Some banks even force you to sell your house if you haven’t completely repaid it (and can’t repay it) after you stop working. Because of your lower income, you won’t clear for the mortgage anymore. Foreclosure might be just around the corner. That’s not a situation you want to be in.

So back to the asset part of this story. Because the above example was just to show you what a difference it makes to repay your house in stead of just paying interest…

Because of appreciation you’re actually gaining wealth every year. In this example $5000 a year. But you spend $6000 a year on interest (3% of 200k). So this house isn’t really making you money. You spend more on it than it makes you. In the country where I live I actually get 50% of the interest I paid back through my income tax. Don’t know how that works for you.

If you can, you should pay off more of the principe mortgage. If you can repay another 34k of your mortgage you’ll find the point where you’ll be making money with your house in stead of spending more money on interest than that you gain through appreciation.

Why you should repay your mortgage quicker

How much is $1000 dollars in 20 years time? Quite a lot of cash if you have a 3% mortgage. If you repay an extra $1000 you will have actually repaid $1806 in 20 years time. You almost doubled your money. So just for the sake of not being a moron you should repay your mortgage quicker if you can.

We repay our mortgage quicker than needed too. We’re both entrepreneurs so our income fluctuates a lot. Every time we have enough money to last us a couple of months we look at where it’s best to invest in. Our mortgage rate dropped to 2.84% and we get 50% back via our income tax so we only have a  1.42% interest rate. Investing in Index Funds via our 401k will give us a better return than repaying the mortgage back quicker. But being mortgage free is also something great to have. So sometimes we pay a bit extra for our mortgage. Sometimes we invest some more in our retirement.

Get a roommate or rent your place out

True true, this isn’t for everyone. If you have a family, children, a sick mother living with you… You won’t be able to do this. But if you’re still in your twenties and you’re living alone you are losing a lot of money. You can save 33% – 66% on your rental if you can find a roommate or 2 to come live with you. Depending on where you live and how expensive rent is, you could be making an extra $300 – $2000 a month. How long would it take you to get a raise like that? 2 to 6 years? You might even have to change jobs to get a pay rise of 2k a month. It’s such easy money.

An alternative is to put your crib on AirBnB. Little more hassle but more Dinero my friend. Definitely so if you do your own cleaning.

Earn money with renting out your extra (closet) space

There’s actually a website which lets you connect with people that are not like you or not in the habit of becoming you. Meaning: they still own too much crap. They spend too much money on things they don’t need. They even continue doing this after they outgrow their house.

If you live in the US Neighbor just started. You can rent out your space. They are growing fast and you should be able to rent out your spare space if you price it right.

If you live in the UK use Stashbee. They’re the biggest one in the UK.

The spare space you aren’t renting out yet can always be used to store your grocery items who’re on sale. There are a few things I eat I could buy 100 pieces of them. I eat about 250 a year and there best before date is usually more than a year in the future. So that gives me a lot of possibilities to save money when they’re on sale.

Lose the subscriptions

How much are you spending on subscriptions every month? How many subscriptions do you even have? Check your credit card statement now! And find out how much it is.

The easiest subscriptions to cancel are the ones you don’t use. I’ll bet you there is at least one subscription you’re not using which you could cancel right now. Don’t think twice about it. Cancel it immediately.

I canceled my gym subscription a long time ago. In stead I bought myself a racing bike, inline skates and a small gym rack for pull ups and stuff. Total cost: $500. The gym rack was $30 dollars. The inline skates where about $70. I paid about $400 for the bike. That’s my new gym. In 1 year I earned back my gym membership fee. Every year after that, which has been over 6 years now, I earned $500. $3000 dollars in 6 years just from making a simple change.

If you go to the gym because of the company… Call a friend and ask him/her to go with you on a bike ride. To share the gym you made at home. Anything better than being sucked into the subscription based economy.

Don’t get me wrong, I think some subscription are great. Especially when they don’t have to buy 50 cd’s year but can listen to everything you want for $10. But when the cost of the subscription is so much higher than what you can organise yourself and still have quite a decent level of satisfaction…. You should buy stuff in stead of subscribing to something.

Back to the subscriptions. There’s a subscription for everything these days. Books. Music. Video. Money. Anything can be subscribed to. A rule of thumb I use is to have less than 3% of your disposable income goto subscriptions.

One way to get this down is to NOT BUY A $1000 MOBILE PHONE via a subscription. You’ll pay extra for the fact that you didn’t buy that thing with your own money. The phone company also locks you in longer at worse rates than if you already owned a mobile phone. If you’re someone who did this, chances are you’re already above the 3% limit. Next time your contract is up for renewal. Keep your phone. Don’t buy a new one. Get a better deal.

Do NOT hire someone to clean up your own sh*t

A cleaning lady. Someone who folds the laundry for you. Does the lawn. There’s someone for everything. If you want to save some real dough you should do more stuff yourself.

Every end of summer starts an inevitable caravan of contractors in the neighbourhood. They bring huge machines. They make a lot of noise. Waste a lot of precious oil products. And most important: they eat away your money. All for clearing leaves and mowing the lawn.

Did you know there’s an apparatus so powerful it will clear thousands of square feet per hour? It’s called a human with a rake and a hand lawnmower. You don’t need machines. You don’t need engines. You just need you hands. Add a bit of sweat. Subtract a bit of fat. Tadaaa. A tidied up garden. Same goes for all the other stuff I mentioned.

Mister Money Moustache calls this “Muscle over Motors”. Probably everything you do in and around the house (except drilling holes) you can do with just your body and a tool that doesn’t rely on gas to be powered.

There’s one example to this rule though. When your lack of knowledge actually saves you money.

If you’re not an accountant, don’t do your own tax return. It takes them less time and you should get more value than what you paid for. I’ve been an entrepreneur now for more than 12 years. In the first 8 of those I let an accountant do my tax returns. In those 8 years I learned a lot about our local tax system and was able to gain more value by doing it myself. I could get the same amount of tax returned but I didn’t have to pay a fee for filing and doing me bookkeeping. I did it all myself.

Same goes for when you need a lawyer. Don’t think you can manage yourself. If in doubt, contact a friendly attorney, someone you know who you can ask for some advice. Usually when shit hits the fan you should lawyer up and be well prepared.

The easiest way to start investing

If you followed all the tips above, you should have freed up at least 1k a month and if you were really spending like crazy, thousands of dollars a month. But where to put all that money? You can always give it to me of course… 🙂 But if you really want to become financially independent you gave to invest.

Invest…? You mean with stocks and bonds and ups and downs? Yes! With all that. Because in the end, you just earn more return on your money than putting it “safely” on an interest bearing bank account where you get 1% interest.

If you live in the US, probably the easiest way to start investing (besides putting money in your 401k) is a service like Betterment. You give them your money. They manage it. You earn a return. You can use Betterment for all kinds of goals.

If you don’t live in the US / don’t live in a place where your currency is the $$$ don’t use them. Because you’re investing in Dollars and your local currency could fluctuate too much for it to be worthwhile. You’ll be adding an extra uncertainty which you shouldn’t when you’re investing (for retirement).

Betterment is a so-called robo-investor. They have machines doing the work for you. There’s nu fund manager who needs to get paid. No one who’s trying to steer you towards a certain fund based on commission they receive. It’s just a machine that does nothing more than look at numbers all day long.

Betterment is fully tuned to the American market and tax system. They have auto Tax Loss Harvesting. Tax saving if you have a standard and retirement account.

If they don’t have a similar service like this in your country, buy Index funds.

You have a couple of different type of stocks you can buy. Bonds issued by governments or companies. Normal stock. Stock funds (they have an expensive Fund Manager which has to be paid and that costs a lot of money) and Index Funds. Index funds are your best bet if you want to start investing. If you’re worth millions only then is it a smart move to start investing in stock. This is why:

Index Funds track a basket of stocks. It could be the S&P 500 of the Dow Jones. But at least hundreds of different stocks from different companies. Every so often a company fall over. If you have that stock in your portfolio, you lose big time. If you own an index fund and one of the stocks in that fund goes boom, you lose less than 1%.

The most popular Index Funds I invest in are:

  • Vanguard FTSE All World
  • Vanguard Global Momentum
  • iShares Core MSCI World UCITS
  • iShares S&P 500

As long as you still have 20 years or more to go you can go all out on Index Funds.

This is a table which shows you, before inflation, how much return you’d make on investing in US stock. This is the annualized gains / losses from the US stock market for the past like 100 years. In the most extreme scenario you’d still be up 3%. More likely would be about 11.9% per year or 846% total return.

The below table shows you the same numbers but with inflation taken into account. So this money has the same value as is has now. You can still buy the same bread for the same money.

So in the absolute extremely unlikely scenario you will still make a gain of 1% per year after 20 years.

If you put your money in a savings account, you’ll barely (usually not even) get more interest than inflation. So you’ll be in the “worst” bracket after 20 years.  Meaning you’ll have made a total return of 22%. While with investing chances are pretty decent that you’ll make a total return of 346%.

Let’s see what 10k compounds to in 20 years @ 1% (savings account AT BEST) or at 7.8% (investment account on average).

10k in your savings account would net you $12,202 in 20 years time. 10k in your investment account would net you $44,913. That’s almost 4 times the amount you would get via saving. I don’t have to tell you what 100k or even 1M looks like after 20 years. Just add a few zeros. The only difference is the absolute difference between the amount when you save and the amount when you invest.

32k when investing 10k

320k when investing 100k

3,2M when investing 1M

Once retirement closes in on you, and you are still a long way from retiring you should not be investing all your money in stocks. Meaning: you haven’t yet made your money pile big enough to live off but your moment of retiring is coming closer, than you should pull out a bit from just investing in stocks. In general they have a higher rate of return, but they are also riskier. You don’t want to lose 10% of your life savings in the few years before retiring. You want to slowly divest in stocks and put some more cash in bonds which have a lower risk (and lower return).

But how much do I need to put into retirement?

That’s easy man! 100% of your income. If you are able to put everything you earn into retirement, you basically already are… But that would be too easy… Or too hard?

As a basic rule you have to have an invested a sum of 25x your yearly spending. So if you spend 50k a years you need… 1.25M. With 1.25M you can live off the 4% interest.

So you have 2 factors here at play. Your savings rate and your yearly living expenses. The more you save the earlier you can retire. The more you can limit your yearly spending, though the less you need to retire.

For every Dollar you can save on spending you don’t need to invest 25 Dollars in retirement. Plus that Dollar you just saved you can put towards retirement and retire even earlier. Lowering your spending is THE MOST POWERFUL trick in the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) Book.

If you can live off of 20k a year, you only need 500k. If you make 50k a year and save 50% of your income you can retire in 17 years!

What should my savings rate be if I want to retire early?

Savings rateYears to retirement
5%66 years
10%51 years
15%43 years
20%37 years
25%32 years
30%28 years
35%25 years
40%22 years
45%19 years
50%17 years
75%7 years
90%less than 3 years

This table isn’t completely accurate. Because if you save 90% of 30k for 3 years you’ll have about 81k. But you would only be able to live off that if you have a yearly spending of 3,2k or less. When you still have a mortgage, young children, etc. You can probably not do that… If you CAN manage to get your spending down to below 3k for the remainder of your life, then of course it’s no problem.

For you young guns who don’t want to work all day nor for the same boss for 10 years, read this

How much do you spend on Starbucks? On takeaway? On not cooking for yourself or going out in general? By just stopping your spending for these few things, you can probably easily free up 20% if not 30% of your take home (net) pay. If you were already saving 10% a year, you can retire within 28 years. If you’re really spending a sh*tload of money on ordering food right now you could probably retire before you reach the age of 50. Get a roommate for 5 more years? Retire before you’re 40! That means only changing jobs a couple of times. And only working for 1/3 of your life. Who wouldn’t want that?

You (if you’re in your twenties) are in the best spot to begin retirement early. You still have options. You probably don’t own a house, don’t have children and live at home with your parents… You could be saving 80% of your income with ease right now.

Every time you get a pay rise you should do this with it

DON’T SPEND IT. Those 100 bucks a month aren’t worth it on spending it on extra things. What do you really get out of it happiness wise? Probably nothing? But if you invest 100 bucks for 20 years you’ll end up with 36,722 Dollars extra for your retirement. That will make your life 1500 bucks easier every year just in interest alone. Think about what you can do with a 1k pay rise. You could retire 15 years earlier probably.

Don’t fall for the “my peers have that too” syndrome. Or I want an almost as big car as my boss. This lifestyle inflation is deadly for your early retirement dreams. If you can be Zen about it. If you can stay frugal, this is when you can make big gains towards your goal of early retirement.



Email marketing: the ultimate guide to success

There’s one thing you need to be doing when you’re building your own business: build an asset. An asset is something that gives you value. The most important asset for an online business is your own database/list of people / customers. Create your own audience. Not just someone who visits you through a search engine or social media channel. No. You’re dependent on these Giants. If they change their algorithm you could sink in the search rankings or lose visibility on social channels.

This has had a big negative impact to a  lot of businesses already and will continue to be in the future. The tech giants always want more and more. They’re slowly squeezing out more and more businesses from their platforms in favour of their own content / services, etc. Luckily the authorities are also seeing this happen and are investigating these alleged anti-competitive action from these tech giants.

Email marketing lists are the most important asset you should build apart from your website

Because you own it. You control it. Getting people from external sources like search and social is hard work. That doesn’t come in flying in. Once you do get visitors from those sources you have to “capture them”. That’s what you do with email marketing.

I started this blog from scratch for a challenge because I want to show everyone that it’s possible to start something out of thin air and make it work. (Read more about my challenge here). One of the things I’m going to need to reach my goal is email marketing. I won’t rank high in Google yet. Won’t have a large following on social media yet. I need to “reuse” the visitors I do get.

I’m starting with a list of zero subscribers and show you how to get to 1000 subscribers in 1 month

I have never done this before. Never built a list this quickly with so much pressure behind it. But it should be doable. I’m doing it to show you that you can do it too.

Step 1: get an email marketing tool

Do you know Noah Kagan? He’s my secret hero. He gives great advice. Built a great company called Sumo and just launched an email platform called Sendfox.

Registering is easy. Fill in your name and email address. I entered list size 0 and “other” as current provider because for this website I don’t have one.


Yeah, I qualified to send emails with them.

Love the I will NOT spam part btw 🙂

They have a lifetime deal right now because they just started. You pay 49 Dollars ONCE and you can keep sending emails to up to 5000 subscribers untill you die. Niceeee.

Confirm your email address and the registration process is done. Next up is filling in your contact details fo the canspam act and you’re ready to start.

If you’re worried about ending up in a SPAM folder read this about Sendfox DKIM SPF and DMARC records.

Strategies to get email list subscribers

It depends on what kind of website you have… Ecommerce websites can implement different strategies than a website from a consulting firm. A blog like this one has different strategies than a dating website.

Strategies to get more email subscribers for ecommerce websites

The number one method to get more list subscribers for ecommerce website? Give a discount.

This is a popup you get when you’ve visited a few pages. Not the most user friendly way of getting more subscribers but one that works very well.

If you signup for Adidas’ newsletter, you immediately receive a 15% discount code. See how they differentiate only on gender? They don’t even ask for your name.

Be careful with interstitials / popups

Using popups to capture subscribers is something you should be a bit careful with. Google has advised against it for example. It’s not user friendly and can hurt your rankings. Especially if you immediately show a popup when someone visits your page. Or use an interstitial that covers a big part of the screen and is hard to click away.

Below are strategies you can implement “if used responsibly”.

The above examples are a little more relevant when you display ads. But asking for a newsletter signup is still a form of interuption. Luckily for us email marketers popups that add something to what people have already seen is not seen as spammy.

At the bottom of their page is a different subscribe box.

If you click on the input field it getsa little more “text heavy”. Just the basic legal stuff. 

The only thing I think they could’ve done better was to focus more on what kind of news or just be more sales driven and say:

Want 15% off your order ? Signup for product updates.

With news I think about CNN. Product updates I think: newest stuff I want to wear.

Incentives to use to get people subscribed to your ecommerce list

Courtesy of 250Ok

Giving a percentage off is the most popular incentive to add as a way to get people to signup. If its also the most successful way to get people to signup is something you have to figure out.

Refer a friend and give both parties an incentive

This isn’t actually legal in The Netherlands, so check if it is in your country… 🙂 If it is… You can incentivize someone who’s already a subscriber to invite a friend to also subscribe.

You can give a bonus to your subscriber and match the bonus for the one who’s being referred. $5 each. Free month of your service. Something like that.

Dropbox became huge with this model. This is from their lessons learned deck.

Encourage Word of Mouth through 2 sided incentive. You could earn extra storage space if someone else signed up through your refferal link and the other party would also get bonus space. Brillant. Simple. Effective.

Now as I mentioned, this isn’t legal (anymore) in at least one country. There’s a different strategy to get more out of your current email subscribers. You could use click to tweet or click to share to get similar results.

KingSumo is a tool that does exactly that. Add incentives to your (current) email subscribers so they get off their chair and make your life easier by sharing your stuff.

Do giveaways to grow your list

It still works… Giving stuff away for free.  You can also email your current subscribers with a giveaway. Beste moment? Just after they ordered something. Their trust in you is highest. They like your brand because they just ordered something from you. Give them an incentive to order more / earn free stuff.

Make different levels of rewards for people that signup for your email through your current subscribers. The best thing that works is actually giving something in stead of giving people hopes that they might win something. So you could have a grand prize that you can win, where the chances to win get higher the more people you refer. But the best way to get more subscribers is to also incentivize smaller wins.

  • 1 referral: 10% off your next purchase
  • 3 referrals: Make a donation in their name to …
  • 5 referrals: 25% off your next order
  • 10 referrals: BIG reward
  • Fore every referral get a chance to win EVEN BIGGER reward

The virtual loyalty card to grow your list and gain loyal customers

Now this will take a little bit of effort to create. But you can do this with any email automation tool like Sendfox. Or you could go full monty and create a custom system.

Everyone is always complaining that they, as loyal customers, don’t receive anything extra. There’s that one time signup bonus where you get the 15% off, but then you have to look and search for more benefits / discounts.

How about we create an email automation sequence with 12 timed emails. One a month with a percentage discount that keeps rising month after month. It’s a different method of gaining subscribers than the one time method and probably works best when people haven’t responded to your earlier 15% off incentive.

This is something you can implement at the end of your checkout flow. After people paid for their order. You already have their email address. They could subscribe to the loyalty programme with one click.

You should experiment a bit what kind of customers are more likely to stay on the programme. My guess is that completely new customers don’t go jumping up and down when they receive their first email with a 1% of 5% discount for that matter. Rewarding your already loyal customers costs you a bit of margin but you could increase their LTV (Life Time Value) by making them purchase more in a shorter time span.

Strategies to get more email subscribers for blogs

Blogs are more depended on what they “create” in order to get more subscribers.

  • An ebook
  • A course
  • Newsletter
  • Presell / preregistration
  • A content upgrade
  • Bonus tip YOU HAVE TO KNOW: comment below to get it

The ebook method to get more subscribers

Probably the easiest method of publishing an ebook is by copying what you already made.

Backlinko does a great job at this. Brian Dean’s linkbuilding guideline is a massive guide and he makes good use of that fact.

So, if you have any massive posts on your blog, make sure to copy them to Word and make a pdf out of them. Easiest way to make an ebook I guess.

The more advanced way of doing ebooks is creating a blog post and an ebook, where the ebook is giving even more value than the blog post. So you have to keep some secrets out of your blog post and put them in the ebook.

Create a free course to land you even more subscribers

People love courses. Everyone want to learn new things. That’s why a gazillion video’s to YouTube get uploaded every day that explain how to do things. Just the frame of a course gets people interested. You could also cut your ebook in smaller byte sized portions and create an email sequence with your course. People who weren’t interested in the ebook might be interested in you course.

If you really provide value you could even charge money for your courses. But I would only start doing that after you’ve reached 10,000 monthly visitors. Free = no risk. Paid = risk. And you need more authority to be able to sell a course. What course are you missing out there? What do you want to lear a lot about? Comment below!

The tried and true method to get more subs: The Newsletter

This is the oldest form of improving your list size. The newsletter. It still works today. It’s just another form. There are ways of getting more from just a newsletter. What are you really selling in your newsletter? Your daily routine? When you went to the toilet? No. You are selling knowledge. Free knowledge in exchange for your audience’ email and your chance to get them back to your blog.

First tip I can give you: avoid the word newsletter. Everyone uses it. Use Useletter in stead. Use a word where people see more value in than a newsletter. Newsletter == send. People want to receive.

The best way, but also the most time consuming way, is to create custom automated email flows based on what people have read. A basic start to this would be to categorize all your blog posts (which is good practice anyway) and to show a different “subscribe” form based on the category of you blog post. That way you can personalize the onboarding of your new subscriber. You make it more enticing to subscribe when people see that they can read more about the topic they just read about in stead of a more generic message.

Are you or do you want to become an influencer? This tip is for you

Snapchat allows anyone to post links in their Snapchat stories. So if you use Snapchat or want to start to use it, it’s actually a pretty good way to also get more email subscribers on your list.

Basic tips to get more subscribers

  • Show social proof. How many people have already signed up to your newsletter?
  • Create scarcity around your signups. “Signups close tomorrow because…” Free this or that for the first 250 subscribers. Join the waiting list.
  • Don’t call your newsletter newsletter
  • Offer exclusives that are not found on your blog

Besides from different ways to get people to signup, you also have different types of forms/techniques to entice people. We already discussed the popup and “normal” in-content subscribe box. (Use the normal in-content box more than once throughout your content!) There are lots of other ways to get people to signup.

The notification technique

Everyone knows the “red dot”. The “you have a new message” dot.

There are only a few websites out there that leverage the urge of clicking on the red dot. To find out what new message you have.

It’s only barely visible (top right). But because of its high contrast and recognizable look you just HAVE to click on it. Might not be the message you hoped for but lots of people will click it either way.

I love how they don’t put the subscribe now box in peoples faces!

In-your-face techniques

The “welcome mat”. A full page in-your-face-ad that directs you to signup for a newsletter. Not very user friendly. Punished by Google for using it on mobile devices. My guess is they punish you on desktop too but less.

This might not be an actual welcome mat (technically) it looks like one :).

Highly converts people to your email list. But in my opinion you should only use this if you’re OK with being aggressive and the possibility of losing visitors. For one because some people just don’t like a message like that. For one because they don’t know where they “arrived”. They clicked on something but get a totally different message. The other reason is more indirect. I think whether you’re doing this on mobile or desktop, you will get lower rankings because of this technique. Your page will get less engagement as a percentage of total visitors. You will definitely get more email subs, but the question you should ask yourself (and so some research for is) is this worth it if I look at my total user/traffic growth.

In your face is great for conversion but not for user experience

You have the scrolling bar that’s always in your face. The sticky bars that stick at the bottom or top of the page. For me those are all too much in your face techniques. It too much shouts that you are the product. I need your email address. I try to focus on delivering good in content on page value. That might not give me the most signup but I think it gives me the most value long term.

Think of the welcome mat as this: you step into a grocery store for the first time. The moment you step inside the store you immediately get handed a flyer that says buy this buy that. You haven’t even had the chance to look around!? You haven’t even decided whether or not you like this store yet they ask you to buy something.

Keep giving value. Keep focussing on what your users want in stead of what you want. In the end that will give you the most (loyal) subscribers.

The presell or preregistration method to get more subscribers

If you’re planning to launch a new product or service, it’s an interesting moment to capture more subscribers. People are always interested in new things. Your earliest customers are your most valuable. They’re also the most enthusiastic about you. Probably your biggest fans. Use that!

By telling them they’ll get extras other people won’t you’ll incentivize them to subscribe to your launch email.

Pieter Levels example of how to do a preregistration is probably the best one ever. He wanted to write a book about how to create, build, grow and monetize something you made. He started with a simple tweet and asked people to pay money for something that didn’t even exist yet.


The people who paid for it, only received a link to Workflowy (like an online Notepad) to suggest topics to him. People were actually helping make Makebook. I bought it a couple of months ago. Has really nice tips! you should buy it too and read it.

Anyway. Besides the fact that he was generating revenue before he even launched something he was already collecting a big list of (potential) customers.

If you haven’t launched your online business yet or if you plan to launch a new product or server on a new url, you could use something like Launchrock to create your landing page with. It’s a pretty much drag and drop interface. You’ll have a homepage ready in a couple of minutes and you’ll be ready to start collecting emails.

The content upgrade is a great way to get more loyal email subscribers

If you write a lot of in depth articles, there are always things you save for last. A bonus tips. Something you might write about in your next post. Something extra. Use that in your live blogs. Insert special “content upgrade” boxes to incentivize people to fill in their email address in order for them to download / gain access to the bonus content.

Could be a button with cool offer that opens subscription box

Could be a more extensive box you created with a WordPress Shortcode that you can (re)implement again and again in content. 

The most important thing you need to offer is a good content upgrade. Be honest and to the point about what people will receive. Don’t make vague statements. People don’t subscribe to vague stuff.

Bonus tip: comment to find out how to get more email subscribers

This ons sells itself, doesn’t it? Comment now and come back to continue reading!

Examples how other people increase their email subscribers

  • Welcome mat
  • Floating signup boxes
  • Exit intent signup boxes
  • Signup after purchase box

Follow these tips so your emails don’t land in the SPAM folder


Always build your own list of subscribers. You have no clue where the bought list came from. To how many people it has sold. How old the the list of subscribers is. They didn’t consent to you sending them emails.

Don’t touch lists that are for sale. If you upload them to your own email lists and send them along with your regular emails, your reputation will go down. If you really want to use someone else’s list: rent it. Pay some money to go on the newsletter. This way your reputation doesn’t get hammered. 

#2: Watch your open rates

The open rate of your emails should be well above 15%. Anything higher than 25% is considered good. If you’re just starting out you should have a lot higher rates even.

If they start slipping you need to get your game together. 

  1. Your emails aren’t as good any more. Create more interesting newsletters that people want to open
  2. Do A/B tests with different email titles and preview texts. You can easily double your open rates with more interesting titles. Emojis work great. Titles that immediately communicate value. Titles that surprise or are really personal (We have something great for you {First name})
  3. If people don’t open your emails for 5-6 times in a row, it’s time to reactivate them or kick them off your list. If you keep your open rate above 20% (1 in every 5 opens it) you will be in a great position to keep your emails from landing in the SPAM folder. To reactivate someone, send them a completely different email than they are used to getting. Or something like “Have I don’t something wrong” or “What can I improve so you’ll read my emails more often?

#3: Choose a credible email sender

Don’t do this yourself with a WordPress plugin or with your own hosting provider. There are quite a few services that specialize in email marketing tools. For this guide I use Sendfox and ConvertKit. But you can also use Aweber or Mailchimp.

These services have all the technical requirements to send mass emails in order. They monitor the quality of the traffic. Have good unsubscribe options. Trusted IP’s that send emails. 

It’s a lot of work to set this up yourself and you’ll never recoup the costs you make by doing it yourself. Most hosting providers allow for some emails to be sent from your own servers but they cap it heavily because there’s so much SPAM in the world. And that comes from people who blog and leave open POP3 email ports, who’ve been hacked, etc.

#4 Double opt in is an option but will cost you a lot of initial subscribers 

Double opt in is when someone tell you they want to subscribe, you send them an activation email to them before they start to receive your newsletter. Not a lot of companies do this. What’s more important is…

#5 Send a welcome email and send regular emails if you can

If you subscribe to a newsletter and you don’t receive a confirmation / welcome email in the next 24 hours (I send them immediately) it’s really bad for open rates. Did you know what you did yesterday? People have really bad memories and they might be doing something totally different today than they were doing yesterday.

Reminder people immediately why they subscribed. In the welcome email tell them what value they get from your newsletter. You’ll create recognition. Ah, this email looks like this. With this avatar. This layout. So the next time people scroll through their inbox they still know who you are.

#6 Only send authenticated emails

As I mentioned before: SPAM is a big problem with email. Who doesn’t receive a sh*tload of SPAM everyday? I do… To identify SPAM easier there are some techniques you can (HAVE to!) implement.

If you use an external email marketing tool you only need to setup a SPF record and DKIM record. Both settings are done in the DNS settings at your domain name provider.

How to setup an SPF record

Basically find out what IP or host name your emails are sent with. Usually your email tool will mention it in their FAQ or in their knowledge base.

v=spf1 ip4: -all  

If your service provider mentioned an IP (which they probably didn’t) change the ip4 part

v=spf1 ip4:123.234.345.456 -all  

If they mentioned a host name (more likely!) do this:

v=spf1 -all  

Add a text record to your dns settings at your domain name hosting provider.

How to setup a DKIM record

DKIM is a little bit harder. It works the same way as an SSL certificate. There’s a secret key on the senders host and there’s a public key in the dns settings.

You should be able to create a DKIM record at your email marketing provider. You’ll get the public part. They’ll keep the secret part private. Add it to your dns settings the same way you did the spf-record. The only difference if that you have to give this dns record a specific name. 

#7: Send to active email addresses only

This one speaks for itself I guess. If you see hard bounces in your email reports, remove the email addresses immediately. Most email providers do this automatically. But if you host your own or use a simple email tool check the sender report. If your percentage unactive vs active is too high, your entire campaign is at risk.

If you’re sending to a lot of inactive accounts this sets off SPAM detection alarms. This usually happens when you buy lists or upload lists that didn’t give you proper consent. If you do this too much your (domain) reputation drops too much and you’ll start landing in SPAM folders.

Setting up a new account with a fresh reputation score is only a temporary fix. Remember that you’re screwing with your domain reputation score and that you can’t just buy yourself out of that mess or change domain names easily.

#8 Don’t mislead people (no brainer really)

Titles where you express that you know someone while you have no clue where they live are clearly misleading. 

Stuff like: I left my phone at your place while you have a mobile phone repair company who’s never been into contact or doesn’t know the subscriber is in violation. It’s real bad clickbait. Don’t do it. You will get a lot of SPAM complaints and this will hurt your reputation.

There’s a big difference between pulling a joke and being misleading. Try to stay clear from the dark side.

#9 Send an email to my trusted friend

I use a lot. I use it for my own blogs for my consulting clients. It’s such a neat little tool. 

Once you visit their website they only thing you need really is the unique email address they give you. Add that address to one of your lists and send them an email you would normally do to any subscriber who’s on that list.

Use your own unique address!

Once you’ve sent the email refresh the page and voila, you’ll get a score. it’s important to test all your emails. They’re all different and should all give off different SPAM signals. The content is analyzed and given a score. The email settings like DKIM, SPF, IP blacklist etc. is also checked.

This might just survive and not land in the SPAM folder. You really want to be aiming at 8+/10.

#10 Mention your physical address in every email you send

Speaks for itself. Part of a lot of legislation as well. You are obligated by law to mention your physical address. Also something which is real easy to check for a SPAM filter.

Want loyal subscribers who don’t unsubscribe? Diversify!

Make specific email flows! If you start out with a new website it’s not a big issue if you have just one flow. You have very little content. You’re still learning what your target audience wants. You don’t have enough traffic to make it worthwhile to setup different flows. But once you start getting some traction, differentiating your email campaigns is crucial.

If someone enters your list through a bonus tip about linkbuilding, you don’t want them to be included on emails about email marketing. You might be talking to an SEO marketer who doesn’t give a cr*p about email marketing. That’s probably the same with your niche. So think about what different “User personas” your website reaches and targets and create different flow for different personas / interests. Someone who’s into knitting might not be into painting even though these are both in the same “creative” arts niche.

Leverage external platforms to create momentum for your own subscriber list 

When you start anything, you’re nothing. But I think you’re everything! Keep at it. Keep going. Cross the chasm. You will make it. Don’t give up.

That being said… It’s always better to have more traffic sooner than later. And where can you find lots of traffic? NOT on your website 🙂 But on:

  • Facebook
  • Medium
  • Pinterest
  • Quora
  • Twitter
  • Reddit
  • Other websites in your niche where they accept guest blogs

How to use Facebook to gain more subscribers

The most effective way to gain more subscribers is paid advertising on Facebook. The so called lead campaigns are specifically designed to gather, for example, email newsletter subscribers. Unfortunately it’s only pay to play. If you’ve got some cash to burn, try it out.

If you already have a Facebook page you can leverage your existing audience. Even if it’s small. For one, you can just directly target your followers. Make sure you exclude your current subscribers. So export those users from your email marketing tool and add them to an audience to  exclude from your campaign.

You can something similar to get a greater reach on Facebook by creating a look a like audience of your current page followers + from your current subscribers.

Upload your current audience first by going to (From Audiences -> Create audience -> Custom Audience

On the next screen select Your Facebook group and create a custom audience with it. Do the same thing and select Customer file.

Next up, create a lookalike audience.

Go to -> Audiences -> Create audience -> Lookalike audience. Select the audience you just uploaded. Keep the audience size to 1% to get the best results. The new audience that you’ll create resembles your custom audience the most if you keep it at 1%. If you select 2% create a new custom audience. You can A/B test the difference in effectiveness. It should be less effective but if you’re looking to get a bigger reach this is an easy way to expand it. 

Before you can finish your leads campaign you have to first build a form that you can “connect” to your lead campaign.

Go to (from Your Page -> Publishing tools -> Forms library -> Create

Create a new form. Add your own custom info to the form. Here it’s already important to think about how you’ll be targeting your audience and what your message will be. Will you offer a free download of one of your ebooks? Will you let people directly subscribe to your newsletter with a great offer of content? 

The best approaches are:

  1. Downloads (ebooks)
  2. Subscribe to course (for free)
  3. Wait list

A personal touch to grow your list on Facebook

If people start following you / send you an invite to become your friend on Facebook, it’s a great moment to connect with them. Ask them what you can help them with. If you have an email course / a newsletter that can help them with that problem, give them the url to subscribe! you’ll be amazed how quickly you’ll increase your subscriber list.

How to use Medium to grow your email subscribers 

Medium has grown tremendously in the past few years. There’s a lot of great content on it. It’s very easy to connect to other like minded people. The quality of the content is high and the right stuff surfaces. 

1. The easiest way to get more subscribers via Medium is through your bio.

I removed the subscribe link because of my challenge

People who read your posts will also see your bio. Make it interesting enough to subscribe to your newsletter. Only problem here is that you have to be broad. In your posts on Medium (we’ll talk about that strategy in a minute) you can lead people to specific email campaigns. In your bio you can only let them subscribe to a more general campaign. Only problem with the bio on your article pages is that you can’t click on any links in your bio from there. You first have to click through to your profile page.

2. Engage with your (potential) Medium audience

It’s a cliche but still works. If people give you claps, if someone follows you, comments on your article… Engage with them. Thank them for their support.

If you see great articles do the same! Build a relationship and once you’ve built some trust between the two of you… Make the ask. Tell them you have a newsletter that might be interesting for them to signup too. Either send them the signup url or ask them to share their email address directly. Be upfront about what your newsletter is about and what they can expect. It’s ok if you send them the occasional promotional message. As long as people know it’s coming.

3. Embed a subscribe now box on Medium

Years ago Medium allowed forms to be embedded in your content. In stead of linking to your blog (or to a direct signup link) you can add a form directly in your Medium article. This greatly increases your conversion rate to subscriber. Even though it has been possible to embed forms directly in Medium, it’s not being done a lot. Don’t know why because if you’re even the slightest bit an active contributor on Medium and have a subscriber list to grow, it’s a great way to do so.

Use a service like Upscribe to create a signup form which you can easily integrate on your Medium articles. Signing up is free. You also get 100 form views per month for free. A form view is when one of your forms is on a users screen. So a page load doesn’t count. The actual form has to be visible.

Once you created a form, you can integrate it directly with the biggest email service providers. If you use an email marketing tool that isn’t listed, you can use Zapier. Zapier connect thousands of apps with each other.

4. The content upgrade also works on Medium

Save some of your best tips for your email subscribers. People who like what you’ve written so far and want to know more will definitely signup. Most important thing to remember: The WIIFM. Whats In It For Me as a Subscriber? What am I getting (myself into). One time email? Newsletter? Be up front. People hate to get fooled.

Make sure the content upgrades are extremely related to the content itself. Otherwise probably no one will be interested.

Use your social channels to gain more subscribers

Make a sticky Facebook & Twitter post that directs people to subscribe to your newsletter.

Facebook has a special “action” button you can add and use to get people to subscribe.

Twitter and Facebook both have leads campaigns. Problem is: campaigns as in paid campaigns. So you can only capture leads / email subs if you pay for it. There’s no “organic post type” which allows you to capture organic leads. It’s pay to play.

How to use Pinterest to grow your email subscribers

Basically a bit the same as Medium.

  1. Create a freebie / email magnet
  2. Create a “tips” board
  3. Add tips you really like to the board + add your own freebie
  4. Comment on + like other peoples pins / boards
  5. Try to get invited as a contributor to someone’s board

The visual part here is of course the most important. People come to Pinterest not knowing what they’re looking for. They are in the exploration phase mostly. Surprise them. They want to see and learn new things. Focus your freebie on DIY. On helping Pinterest users. 

Create a board that’s full of great matching resources. Add a pin at least every week. Pinterest rewards board that add pins more regularly in stead of creating a board and adding 20 pins. Add a few when you start the board and have a boatload ready to add to the board every week. Add the pin about your freebie last. That way people will see it first.

Start following other people who’ve shown an interest in similar pins. Comment on their pins. Start a conversation. Build a relationship. If they like your stuff, invite them to join your (main) newsletter.

How to use Quora to grow your email subscribers

If you’ve never heard about Quora, you’re missing out on a unicorn startup. They’re valued above 2 Billion. The only thing they do is let people ask questions and have others give the answer. 

There are millions of questions on Quora and there should be a boatload of questions that you can answer. 

  1. Find the right Quora questions for your niche.
  2. Look at the answers that have already been given
  3. Make something better
  4. Add content upgrades and direct signups
  5. Do not add affiliate links directly in the answers

Find the right questions on Quora

There are more than 15 millions questions on Quora. Knowing which ones to answer is the most important task to start with. Answering questions that nobody follows is a waste of time really. You want to spend your time wisely. I answer Quora questions with answers that contain at least 2000 words. So I invest quite a bit of time in them. But with good reason. If your answer gets upvoted and shared a lot, you can get hundred thousands of fews in a matter of days / weeks. 

To make your life a bit easier, you can use a tool called “Find Better Questions“. It’s a small software kit you download and connect to your Quora account. Once you’ve connected it to your account you can start creating lists. Just goto Quora and lookup the topics that relate most to your niche / where your knowledge is. Add the url of the topic to the Sources input field. Enter any title you want to give this list.

For big topics it takes a few minutes for the indexation to finish. Once it’s finished you can click the Show icon.

The most interesting topics for me are the ones with the highest followers to answers ratio and the answers that have the highest total views. 

For every 10 answers I look at and investigate whether this is something worth my time I only answer 1. Click through to the questions you think are interesting and are in the core of your knowledge. Only answer questions where you know you can add value. (Yes there we have the word again… value)

On Quora the answers that get most upvotes are the answers that are visible the most. The velocity of upvotes given is a big part of the algorithm. Quora will show new answers a bit more the first few hundred impressions of a question. When it doesn’t get any upvotes it will show it less and less. 

Before you can grow subscribers through Quora you first need views and upvotes

There’s a simple technique I use that helps me with increasing my views and by that also my upvotes. Use an image almost at the top of your question. Something that really drives interest. Don’t make it too clickbaity. Make it interesting. I sometimes use one of my earning reports in the entrepreneurship Topic. It’s also a way to show people on Quora you’re a credible person who doesn’t make stuff up.

Like I said before: investigate all the answers that where previously given in the topic. Only add an answer if you think you have something new to add. Answers that go like: Yeah I think the same as *answer above* won’t score a lot of home runs. You have to make a different approach. People are coming to Quora to learn new things. Tell them new things.

My best answers consist of 1500 words or more and have at least one image. My worst have just one paragraph and don’t add a lot of value. Too quick to answer. Also didn’t look at how many answer views the question got… I started on Quora back in 2011. No clue what I was doing back then 🙂 But now, I try as much as possible, to answer my posts with stories. A personal story.

I have a little less than 2000 followers as of this writing. I’m hoping to increase that 10 fold over the next 7 months through my challenge. People follow you because of a certain level of expertise you are showing. If you dilute your expertise to other topics that have nothing to do with the topics you got your followers from, those followers will start to ask themselves: Why am I following this guy again? Your followers are what gives you a head start over other people answering on Quora. Use them by giving them related valuable content.

In short on how to get more views / upvotes on quora

  1. Use a prominent and thought provoking image
  2. Be personal. Write from the hart (be funny)
  3. Add real value
  4. Choose topics that have a high number of views
  5. Share a story when you answer a question
  6. Stick to a few niches (so your followers know what to expect)
  7. Always add a picture to the top of your answer that people want to know more about

How to use Twitter to grow your email subscribers

Most starting businesses / people don’t have a big following on Twitter. Neither do I. I don’t do a lot with Twitter. There are however plenty of ways to grow your email list with Twitter. I would just not use it “the normal way”. Meaning: Tweeting a lot and gaining followers. Use a service like Click to tweet to have other people increase your website’s  / profile’s visibility. Just make sure you’ve made recent tweets. Your profile is active. 

Create your email magnet landscape

I have created a mind map with some ideas about lead magnets. You should do the same. This is my map after 4 weeks.

I have thought about 10 different lead magnets. The first one has already been created. This one:

Download the free Blog Promotion checklist to get more traffic now!

Always be on the lookout for lead magnets

It doesn’t matter that other people have already created a similar tool. You can always make a better version of something. Or a better ebook with more tips. Or a better looking one. 

Just write down everything you come across that can act as a signup method for your email list.

If you don’t know how to build it… Use Upwork and ask a freelancer to programme it for you.

If you can’t think of anything… You’re not really submersed in your niche and in your audience. At least give a coupon code or something.